The Wolves of Hillsong Church Living High on the Hog Off of Church Tithes

Tithe money funded Hillsong pastors’ luxury lifestyles says former members Hannah Frishberg | New York Post – The pastors at scandalized Hillsong Church were anything but humble servants. As the Australia-based institution continues to come under fire for allegations of “slave labor” and homophobia, ex-congregants and staff are now claiming that pastors used tithe money to help fuel their decadent … Click Here to Read More

Hillsong Pastor Carl Lentz Has Reportedly Been Terminated

Hillsong East East Coast Pastor Carl Lentz Fired for ‘Moral Failure,’   According to CBN News, A letter was emailed by Brian Houston, who is Hillsong Church’s founding pastor, to Hillsong East Coast members and staff in New York City on Wednesday, where the announcement was made. In the letter, it stated:  “I know this will come as a shock … Click Here to Read More