Kings of Israel Chart

Here is a list of all the Kings of Israel and Judah. This comes from

 Saul  1050-1010 BC
 David  1010-970
 Solomon  970-930

Judah (and Benjamin)

 King Reign Good or Bad  Prophets
 1. Rehoboam  931-913  17 years  Bad  Shemaiah
 2. Abijah  913-911  3 years  Bad  
 3. Asa  911-870  41 years  Good  
 4. Jehoshaphat  870-848*  25 years  Good  
 5. Jehoram  848-841*  8 years  Bad  
 6. Ahaziah  841  1 years  Bad  
 7. Athaliah  841-835  6 years  Bad  
 8. Joash  835-796  40 years  Good  Joel
 9. Amaziah  796-767  29 years  Good  
 10. Uzziah (Azariah)  767-740*  52 years  Good  Isaiah
 11. Jotham  740-732*  16 years  Good
 12. Ahaz  732-716  16 years  Bad
 13. Hezekiah  716-687  29 years  Good
 14. Manasseh  687-642*  55 years  Bad/Repented  Nahum
 15. Amon  642-640  2 years  Bad
 16. Josiah  640-608  31 years  Good
 17. Jehoahaz  608  3 mo  Bad
 18. Jehoiakim  608-597  11 years  Bad


 19. Jehoiachin  597  3 mos  Bad
 20. Zedekiah  597-586  11 years  Bad
 Destruction of Jerusalem, 9th Av, 586 BC, Babylonian Captivity


Israel (Ten Northern Tribes)

 King  Reign  Good or Bad  Prophets
 1. Jeroboam I  931-910  22 years  Bad  Ahijah
 2. Nadab  910-909  2 years  Bad  
 3. Baasha  909-886  24 years  Bad  
 4. Elah  886-885  2 years  Bad  
 5. Zimri  885  7 days  Bad  
 6. Omri  885-874*  12 years  Bad  Elijah  Micaiah
 7. Ahab  874-853  22 years  Bad
 8. Ahaziah  853-852  2 years  Bad  
 9. Joram  852-841  12 years  Bad  Elisha
 10. Jehu  841-814  28 years  Bad  
 11. Jehoahaz  814-798  17 years  Bad  Jonah  Amos  Hosea
 12. Jehoash  798-782  16 years  Bad
 13. Jeroboam II  782-753*  41 years  Bad
 14. Zechariah  753-752  6 mo  Bad  
 15. Shallum  752  1 mo  Bad  
 16. Menahem  752-742  10 years  Bad  
 17. Pekahiah  742-740  2 years  Bad  
 18. Pekah  740-732*  20 years  Bad  
 19. Hoshea  732-712  9 years  Bad  
722 BC Fall of Samaria to Assyria

   * Co-regency

The Last Five Kings of Judah

  1. Josiah
Reigned 31 years (640-609 BC)
 2. Jehoahaz (Shallum)
Reigned 3 months (609 BC)
Taken prisoner to Egypt by Pharaoh Neco
 3. Jehoiakim (Eliakim)
Reigned 11 years (609-598 BC)
Died in Jerusalem
 5. Zedekiah
Reigned 11 years (597–586 BC)
Taken prisoner to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar
   4. Jehoichin (Jeconiah, Coniah)
Reigned 3 months (December 9, 598 – March 16, 597 BC)
Taken prisoner to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar (with Ezekiel)


If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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