Radical Environmentalism and Sexual Perversion may just Cost YOU your Life!!

A Homosexual Tranny named Elena Struthers-Gardner, who was also a Wacko Environmentalist, wanted to get rid of all plastic straws to save the Planet. HE used a metal straw to further HIS beliefs. One day while using said environmentally friendly straw, He tripped, fell and the metal impaled HIM through the eye into His brain killing Him!!

Understand that this person was a MAN, and NOT a Woman, as they refer to HIM, as her, in the article.

From Live Science:

Woman Dies After Metal Straw Impales Her Brain | Topical ...

A woman in England died after falling onto a reusable metal straw, which pierced her head, and the tragic accident has renewed debate over bans on plastic straws, according to news reports.

The woman, 60-year-old Elena Struthers-Gardner, was carrying a glass with a 10-inch-long stainless-steel straw when she fell and the straw impaled her eye, causing fatal brain injuries, according to the Daily Echo, a British newspaper. Struthers-Gardner had scoliosis, or a sideways curvature of the spine, which made her prone to falls.

Struthers-Gardner died in November, and a coroner’s report on her death was released this week, according to The New York Times. The report called her death an accident.

Several U.S. cities and states have already banned plastic straws to reduce the plastic entering the environment, and a similar ban is set to take effect in England in April 2020, the Times reported.

But the bans have sparked concern among people with disabilities and their advocates, who say the bans make straws unavailable for those with disabilities who rely on straws to drink, according to NPR. In addition, the rigidity of reusable metal straws may pose safety risks.

“I just feel that in the hands of mobility-challenged people like Elena [Struthers-Gardner], or children, or even able-bodied people losing their footing, these [straws] are so long and very strong,” Mandy Struthers-Gardner, Elena’s wife, said in a statement, the Daily Echo reported. “Even if they don’t end a life, they can be very dangerous.”

In 2016, Starbucks recalled 2.5 million stainless-steel straws due to reports of young children who experienced mouth lacerations from using the straws, according to U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

Brendan Allen, the assistant coroner involved in Struthers-Gardner’s case, also warned about the potential dangers of metal straws. “Clearly, great care should be taken when using these metal straws. There is no give in them at all,” Allen said.

He added that in this case, the metal straw may have been particularly hazardous because it was used with a lid that prevented the straw from moving. “It seems to me these metal straws should not be used with any form of lid that holds them in place,” Allen said. “It seems the main problem here is if the lid hadn’t been in place the straw would have moved away.”

The moral of this story is this. When you have two strikes against you, watch out for that third one, because you never know when the Lord will have enough of your flaunting and thumbing your nose at HIM!

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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