Dog finds Aborted Baby Head in Alley Trash behind Abortion Clinic

In the Animal world, the Mother protects and defends her offspring sometimes resulting in her own death!  This would indicate the SOME humans have LESS moral instinct than animals!

What does that say about human females who chose to kill their own child?  There are two possible answers, and depending what you’re answer is, that will determine who’s camp your tent is set up in!  God’s or Satan’s? You deduce for yourself and then realize who’s camp you’re really in!

COLUMBUS, Ohio, July 3, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – An Ohio state senator described holding the “absolutely perfect” head of an aborted baby as she begged her colleagues to vote to ban dismemberment abortion.

Republican Sen. Peggy Lehner recounted a harrowing story from when she worked at a crisis pregnancy center. A couple brought her a shoebox and said they didn’t know where else to go.

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