Children are being exposed to Pop-Up Porn while viewing Peppa Pig online

Now that this has come to light you wait and see, Adult Porn Addicts will flock to Peppa Pig just to get a fix! And it is not just PORN. Look at this image I chose. They are teaching Children Witchcraft too! Children are seeing pornographic clips that ‘pop up’ while they watch cartoons About 900 children aged six and … Click Here to Read More

Adult Sex Toy Industry to Fund Planned Parenthood

The Sexual Perverts will now be doing double duty. They help spread disease and will now help fund the killers at Planned Murderhood.

Washington Times – Supporters of Planned Parenthood are trying to boost the abortion giant’s shaky bottom line by selling sex toys, uterus-themed emojis and sex-positive wrapping paper.

The merchandise may be X-rated, but abortion opponents say it’s just another argument in favor of weaning Planned Parenthood off taxpayer funding.

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