Grace Episcopal Church in New York City Holds Sexual Pervert Show for Students

Video Shows a New York City Church Holding a Drag Show  You can bet this Faux Church leadership is filled with UN-Saved Sexual Perverts, and Ichabod is written over the door! What Circle of Hell is This? Video captures sacrilegious LGBTQPXYZ event held at Episcopalian church in downtown Manhattan.  Footage of the April 27 event which took place in downtown … Click Here to Read More

PILLs: Perverts In Lunatic Land News July 15th 2022 

The Sexual Perverts are after YOUR  Children and Grand-Children!  And because there is so much news about the perverts, I can’t keep up with it and am overwhelmed! So…, I will just gather a few headlines in the “Perverts in Lunatic Land” Section and post it once or twice a week! These are the epitome of Romans One! Don’t know … Click Here to Read More

PILLs: Perverts In Lunatic Land News July 7th 2022

The Sexual Perverts are after YOUR Children and Grand-Children!  And because there is so much news about the perverts, I can’t keep up with it and am overwhelmed! So…, I will just gather a few headlines in the “Perverts in Lunatic Land” Section and post it once or twice a week! These are the epitome of Romans One! Don’t know … Click Here to Read More

Wolves in the Pulpit

The Devil Masquerades as the good guy inside of organized religion! 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end … Click Here to Read More

The Marxist Freaks Running Disney are Hell-Bent To Normalize Pedophilia

Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness What is Goofy’s sexual preference? Is Minnie pan-sexual? Is Snow White secretly into BDSM? Jon Bowne | News Wars – The left’s Marxist revolution to normalize pedophilia has in recent years launched a full-scale invasion from its decades-old Frankfurt School origins on American schools, culture, and government. These progressives, democratic socialists and community activists – … Click Here to Read More

The NOT So Wonderful World of Disney Is Full of Child Sexual Predators and Other Minions of Lucifer

And YOU keep right on promoting and watching their Witchcraft laced programming—that is grooming your Child or Grand Child—to be a Homosexual, Lesbian, Pedophile, Witch, Satanist, and a Hater of the Living God! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM if you allow your Child or Grand Child to watch ANY of this UN-Godly spawn from Hell. YOU WILL be held … Click Here to Read More

It’s a Trannys Trans World and the Perverts are Taking Over

What YOU gonna do when the Perverts come for YOU!   Jon Bowne | Free World News – The progressive trans cancel culture is gradually eliminating the biologically natural female sex. 2022 is becoming the year when transgenders fully inserted themselves into the status quo to achieve the Saul Alinsky judo move on equality. Aside from us now having to … Click Here to Read More

Sex Ed Camp for Children Run By Pedophiles

Sexual Pervert Pedophiles in Indiana to Run Summer Molestation Camp in June 2022 Pedophile Activists Host ‘Non-Binary’ Sex Ed Summer Camp for 8 Year Olds Sean Adl-Tabatabai | News Punch – A liberal summer camp in Indianapolis, Indiana, devoted to sex demonstrations for third-grade children is being organized by a group of pedophile activists who want to teach minors about … Click Here to Read More

How Do We Accept Them When THEY Reject THE WORD of GOD?

How can Homosexuals, Lesbians and Trannys expect US True Christians, to accept them for who they are, when they can not accept the way God made them? The day that they acknowledge God, what His Word says about Creation, that a Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman, is the day I will accept them for who … Click Here to Read More

Mega Church Founder in the Philippines Accused of Forcing Young Women and Girls to have Sex

I wonder if he was a friend of Jezebel Witch Oprah Winfrey also? Filipino megachurch founder forced girls and young women into sex, telling them it was God’s will Yahoo News – Between 2002 and 2018, Apollo Carreon Quiboloy — the founder of a Philippines-based megachurch — and his accomplices recruited women and girls as young as 12 to work … Click Here to Read More