The Marxist Freaks Running Disney are Hell-Bent To Normalize Pedophilia

Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness What is Goofy’s sexual preference? Is Minnie pan-sexual? Is Snow White secretly into BDSM? Jon Bowne | News Wars – The left’s Marxist revolution to normalize pedophilia has in recent years launched a full-scale invasion from its decades-old Frankfurt School origins on American schools, culture, and government. These progressives, democratic socialists and community activists – … Click Here to Read More

Apostates Unite with UN-Believers and Pagans to Endorse Biden and Harris

Hundreds of faith leaders endorse Biden to ‘restore the soul’ of US Faith 2020 earned endorsements of faith leaders from an array of different religions– Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and others. Morgan Phillips | Fox News – A coalition of more than 350 faith leaders endorsed Joe Biden for president this week, citing a need for “moral clarity” to “restore … Click Here to Read More