No Pedo Joe, Trannys are NOT made in the Image of GOD!

But then you can’t expect an Incestuous Pedophilic Catholic Bastard and the Jezebel he is married to (Hebrews 12:8) to know what the Word of God says!   The BOY or GIRL that was formed in the womb of HIS or HER MOTHER, is a result of God’s command to procreate! What happens then is DEMONS can be passed down to … Click Here to Read More

Ahab and Jezebel Are Now in Charge of America

A Wicked Perverted Nation Gets EXACTLY the Leaders it Deserves! Romans 12:17-21 “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men. 19 Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, … Click Here to Read More

What if Jezebel Kamala Devi Harris Becomes President?

This Is What Will Happen to America with a Jezebel President In Full Control Dave Hodges | Common Sense Show – As previously published in the past, CSS researcher, Alexandra Daily and myself uncovered Kamala Harris’ role in protecting the child sex trafficking that had penetrated the Catholic church. Harris refused media inquiries under the Freedom of Information Act. She … Click Here to Read More

Stupid Bastard (Hebrews 12:8) Joe Biden

Roman Catholic Joe Biden IS the “Stupid Bastard” Hebrews 12:8 “But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.” Bastard – Easton’s Bible Dictionary In the Old Testament the rendering of the Hebrew word mamzer’, which means “polluted.” In Deuteronomy 23:2, it occurs in the ordinary sense of illegitimate offspring. In Zechariah … Click Here to Read More

Apostates Unite with UN-Believers and Pagans to Endorse Biden and Harris

Hundreds of faith leaders endorse Biden to ‘restore the soul’ of US Faith 2020 earned endorsements of faith leaders from an array of different religions– Christian, Jewish, Sikh, Muslim and others. Morgan Phillips | Fox News – A coalition of more than 350 faith leaders endorsed Joe Biden for president this week, citing a need for “moral clarity” to “restore … Click Here to Read More

Communist Democrats Trying To Pass Creepy Joe Biden Off As A Christian!

Joe Biden is a Faux Christian. My cats are more Christian than this Luciferian is! He IS a Catholic and Catholics ARE NOT CHRISTIANS!  I have witnessed numerous times to people asking them if they know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Are you saved, are you Born Again. 50% of the time I get “I am a Catholic” They don’t … Click Here to Read More

Catholic Joe Biden wants MORE of Islam taught in America’s Schools

This is no surprise as Catholicism is MERGING with Islam into what I call CatholIslam. They are beckoning others to become the One World Religion with the false prophet and the anti-Christ running it! Joe Biden is a Luciferian just like all the rest of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrats! He uses the Pagan Religion as a Facade just like … Click Here to Read More

Creepy Joe Biden Hires Black Pastor to Stump for the Black Vote in South Carolina

Hey Joe, What happened to your party platform for the separation of Church and State? And why did you not hire a Roman Catholic Priest to Stump for you? Were they all to busy molesting boys and can be bothered with you?  And  note to Pastor Michael McClain. You will be used like an old Crack Whore by Creepy Joe … Click Here to Read More