Baptist Jezebel Feminist who claims to be a Christian and a Pastor Loves to Kill Babies in the Womb!

It makes me want to VOMIT when I see a headline like this. This Jezebel Harlot that is written about IS NOT A CHRISTIAN in anyway shape or form. The writer should have at least mentioned that this Feminist Democrat is not Christian. But then Life News is a Catholic news site, and unable to distinguish TRUE Christianity from counterfeit.  … Click Here to Read More

What is an Evangelical Christian?

Michael Snyder – Evangelicals are supposed to believe that Jesus is Lord, but it appears that nearly a third of them do not really understand what that means.  According to one recent survey, a whopping 30 percent of all evangelicals believe that “Jesus isn’t God”… If you don’t know what a True Christian is, you best click the box below! … Click Here to Read More

Communist Democrats Trying To Pass Creepy Joe Biden Off As A Christian!

Joe Biden is a Faux Christian. My cats are more Christian than this Luciferian is! He IS a Catholic and Catholics ARE NOT CHRISTIANS!  I have witnessed numerous times to people asking them if they know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Are you saved, are you Born Again. 50% of the time I get “I am a Catholic” They don’t … Click Here to Read More