Don’t call it a Christmas Tree: Bradford, England to raise ‘multi-faith tree’ to celebrate the city’s “multiculturalism.”

NO!! Preach the Gospel and DO NOT SUGAR COAT IT! Mark 6:11 “And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.” … Click Here to Read More

Pestilences and Natural Disasters Are Spreading All Over the Western World. Why?

Why Are So Many Strange Pestilences Starting To Spread All Over The Western World? Well Folks, It is Bible Prophecy and events that ARE…, “Goin by the Book”!   Here is the answer from the Word of God—which by the way—most Christians have no idea what it says!!!! We will get to what inspired me to post this from an … Click Here to Read More

The Marxist Freaks Running Disney are Hell-Bent To Normalize Pedophilia

Disney Peddles Marxist Broke Wokeness What is Goofy’s sexual preference? Is Minnie pan-sexual? Is Snow White secretly into BDSM? Jon Bowne | News Wars – The left’s Marxist revolution to normalize pedophilia has in recent years launched a full-scale invasion from its decades-old Frankfurt School origins on American schools, culture, and government. These progressives, democratic socialists and community activists – … Click Here to Read More

The NOT So Wonderful World of Disney Is Full of Child Sexual Predators and Other Minions of Lucifer

And YOU keep right on promoting and watching their Witchcraft laced programming—that is grooming your Child or Grand Child—to be a Homosexual, Lesbian, Pedophile, Witch, Satanist, and a Hater of the Living God! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM if you allow your Child or Grand Child to watch ANY of this UN-Godly spawn from Hell. YOU WILL be held … Click Here to Read More

Baptist Jezebel Feminist who claims to be a Christian and a Pastor Loves to Kill Babies in the Womb!

It makes me want to VOMIT when I see a headline like this. This Jezebel Harlot that is written about IS NOT A CHRISTIAN in anyway shape or form. The writer should have at least mentioned that this Feminist Democrat is not Christian. But then Life News is a Catholic news site, and unable to distinguish TRUE Christianity from counterfeit.  … Click Here to Read More

Whistleblower Proof: ABORTED Baby Cells ARE in Vaccines!

So if you take anything into your body, knowingly or UN-knowingly, that contains HUMAN Body Parts of any kind, does that make you a Cannibal? See Cannibalism info at the end of this post.   PFIZER LEAKS: Whistleblower Goes On Record, Reveals Internal Emails from Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Director of Worldwide Research Discussing COVID Vaccine … ‘We Want … Click Here to Read More

Is a Prelude of a Rider on the Pale Horse and the Bowls being poured out right now in China God’s way to get the Attention of the Wicked of the World?

Is it also an attention getter for the dead and dying Laodicean Church? Best study up on the Four Horseman and the Seven Bowls! You MUST understand this. Everything that happens in the World is either Orchestrated by God, or HE Allows it to happen! Remember that there is a Devil loose “going to and fro in the earth, and … Click Here to Read More

Animists-Maoists-Hindu Extremists and Police Unite against Christians

Animists Opposing Christianity in India Find Allies in Maoists, Police, Hindu Extremists Animists and Hindu extremists mob against Christian burial of Mohan Nag’s daughter Suman Nag in Ulnar village, Chhattisgarh state. (Morning Star News) HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – In an area of central India where tribal animists enlist Maoist militants to kill Christians who refuse to recant, Sodi … Click Here to Read More

Crooked Hillary Clinton thinks that God put Her on Earth to be President

Dick Morris says Hillary Clinton is looking for an opening to join 2020 race Former Bill Clinton advisor Dick Morris says he believes Hillary Clinton is preparing to run for president again in 2020, saying the twice-failed presidential candidate thinks “God put her on the Earth” to be POTUS. Morris predicted Sunday that Hillary Clinton is seeking any opening she … Click Here to Read More