Biblical Swarms of Giant Mormon Cannibal Crickets Are Destroying Crops In The West

The Eighth Plague in Egypt was Locusts!! Exodus 10:12 “And the LORD said unto Moses, Stretch out thine hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and eat every herb of the land, even all that the hail hath left.“ “On the highways, once you get them killed, then … Click Here to Read More

Pestilences and Natural Disasters Are Spreading All Over the Western World. Why?

Why Are So Many Strange Pestilences Starting To Spread All Over The Western World? Well Folks, It is Bible Prophecy and events that ARE…, “Goin by the Book”!   Here is the answer from the Word of God—which by the way—most Christians have no idea what it says!!!! We will get to what inspired me to post this from an … Click Here to Read More

The 2021 Famine: 270 Million People Could Starve to Death

Are you prepared? Do you have food and other necessities stored up? Have you started a garden? 2021 Will Be Catastrophic” – UN Warns Of Humanitarian Crisis As 270 Million People May Starve Tyler Durden | Zero Hedge – While 2020 could be one for the record books, the UN is out with a new warning that a humanitarian catastrophe could … Click Here to Read More

Current Biblical Locust Plague July 8, 2020

Biblical Locust Plagues Are Currently Ravaging Crops and Threatening Livelihoods on 4 Continents and the Worst Is to Come in Southwest Asia Proverbs 30:27 “The locusts have no king, yet go they forth all of them by bands;” Strange Sounds – The unprecedented Desert Locust threat to food security and livelihoods persists in the Horn of Africa and is increasing … Click Here to Read More

Psychiatrists Working Overtime as Demons Manifest Across America

THERAPIST’S OFFICES JAMMED!!  They may be jammed, but what do you do what the Therapist is nuts and needs Therapy? Read this article when you finish with this one! What do you do when a Psychiatrist is Off His or Her Rocker? Rev. Austin Miles – Due to this crazy Democrat society we are living in, is it any wonder … Click Here to Read More

Famine is Coming: Swarms of Locusts like we have Never Seen Before!

A ‘Biblical’ Plague Of Locusts Has Put Millions On The Brink Of Famine: “We Have Never, Ever Seen What We Have In The Last Six Months”   Michael Snyder – Billions upon billions of voracious desert locusts are ravenously devouring crops over a vast portion of the globe that stretches from eastern Africa all the way to India.  This unprecedented … Click Here to Read More

Sores on the Skin: Is that the next Plague to hit the Planet?

Michael Snyder has a headline on June 1: John Paul Jackson was shown that the Next Pandemic will involve “Sores On The Skin” I don’t know if a plague with boils will be the next event, but the Luciferians have something planned if the riots don’t work. They tried impeachment, they tried the Chi-Comm coronavirus, and now they have once … Click Here to Read More

The Pied Piper is Changing His Tune!

The Pipe Blowers are way off tune, but the masses think they are listening to a fine Symphony! Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.” I am sure that the majority of you will feel really Stupid once you learn you have been fed a … Click Here to Read More

What are “THEY” doing to our Food Supply, Our Economy, Our Freedoms?

What are “THEY” doing to our Food Supply? Romans 11:8-10 “According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear; unto this day. 9 And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto … Click Here to Read More

Signs of the Times: Martial Law and Jack-Booted Thugs

There are protests breaking out all over the country in response to the Draconian actions and Police State Tactics of some states! Note that the states called out are run by Communist, China Loving, Baby Killing Democrats Report – This Is What Happens When America Wakes Up!!! When Will Freedom Break out? Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the outspoken socialist, referred to … Click Here to Read More