Whistleblower Proof: ABORTED Baby Cells ARE in Vaccines!

So if you take anything into your body, knowingly or UN-knowingly, that contains HUMAN Body Parts of any kind, does that make you a Cannibal? See Cannibalism info at the end of this post.   PFIZER LEAKS: Whistleblower Goes On Record, Reveals Internal Emails from Chief Scientific Officer & Senior Director of Worldwide Research Discussing COVID Vaccine … ‘We Want … Click Here to Read More

The China Virus Vaccine Will Alter Your DNA Hence You Will Become Irredeemable and Alienated From God

“They’ve Killed God; I Can’t Feel God; My Soul Is Dead” AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer “Develops Neurological problems” A participant in AstraZeneca’s clinical trials for its COVID-19 vaccine said, after taking the vaccine: “They’ve killed God; I can’t feel God anymore – my Soul is dead”. Source That folks was September 2020 and now millions have … Click Here to Read More

Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents

Revelation 13:16 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:” State health commissioner said he planned to invoke state law to make vaccinations mandatory. Virginia’s State Health Commissioner announced Friday that he will mandate the coronavirus vaccine for all Virginia residents once … Click Here to Read More

Psychiatrists Working Overtime as Demons Manifest Across America

THERAPIST’S OFFICES JAMMED!!  They may be jammed, but what do you do what the Therapist is nuts and needs Therapy? Read this article when you finish with this one! What do you do when a Psychiatrist is Off His or Her Rocker? Rev. Austin Miles – Due to this crazy Democrat society we are living in, is it any wonder … Click Here to Read More

Sores on the Skin: Is that the next Plague to hit the Planet?

Michael Snyder has a headline on June 1: John Paul Jackson was shown that the Next Pandemic will involve “Sores On The Skin” I don’t know if a plague with boils will be the next event, but the Luciferians have something planned if the riots don’t work. They tried impeachment, they tried the Chi-Comm coronavirus, and now they have once … Click Here to Read More

The Pied Piper is Changing His Tune!

The Pipe Blowers are way off tune, but the masses think they are listening to a fine Symphony! Ecclesiastes 7:5 “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.” I am sure that the majority of you will feel really Stupid once you learn you have been fed a … Click Here to Read More

Old White Jezebel wants to Eradicate White’s who won’t take Vaccines

“We’ll Just Get Rid of All Whites in the United States” – CDC Chair of Advisory Committee on Immunizations Lashes Out at White Americans Why is it that all of these Communist women are uglier than a crap house rat and have short hair?  Lesbians?? Jim Hoft | Gateway Pundit – Dr. Carol Baker was appointed Chair of the CDC … Click Here to Read More

Netanyahu and Gantz will a form Historic Unity Government in Israel

18 MONTHS: Netanyahu And Gantz Will Form Historic Unity Government In Israel, And Stand Ready To Annex Both Judea And Samaria Starting July 2020 Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – A joint statement from Blue and White and Netanyahu’s Likud party said the agreement was to form a “national emergency government,” apparently to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. “We prevented fourth … Click Here to Read More

Signs of the Times: Martial Law and Jack-Booted Thugs

There are protests breaking out all over the country in response to the Draconian actions and Police State Tactics of some states! Note that the states called out are run by Communist, China Loving, Baby Killing Democrats Report – This Is What Happens When America Wakes Up!!! When Will Freedom Break out? Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, the outspoken socialist, referred to … Click Here to Read More

List of Vaccines Derived from Aborted Babies

Although a 2005 statement from the Vatican gave approval to Papists to dose up their children with vaccines obtained from aborted babies (so long as it was confined to the research process and not production), you might feel differently as an evangelical or Protestant believer. The fact is, vaccines for chickenpox, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, hepatitis A & B, measles-rubella, mumps, … Click Here to Read More