Black Baptist Pastor Takes Jesus OFF of the Cross and REPLACES Him with Racist John Lewis! 

Says he, Lewis and others, shed their blood, took the stripes for black folk, and died for the Black Man! Donned in African Ancestor Worship garb, this fool is very close to blasphemy, the unpardonable sin. But since he is NOT saved, Not Born Again, he can be forgiven. Reformation Charlotte – In recent days, John Lewis has been heralded … Click Here to Read More

Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions ‘whites’ a total of 15 times The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard. “In more than 80 pages in the draft … Click Here to Read More

Margaret Sanger Ousted at Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood Clinic Removes Founder Margaret Sanger’s Name Over ‘Racist Legacy,’ Support of Eugenics ‘There is overwhelming evidence for Sanger’s deep belief in eugenic ideology,’ says clinic’s board chair Adan Salazar | Info Wars – A Planned Parenthood clinic in downtown New York is reckoning with the “racist legacy” of its founder Margaret Sanger, admitting her work in eugenics has … Click Here to Read More

Failed Preacher and Wanna-Be Black Man Shaun King wants his Cronies to Attack Christian Objects including Jesus Statues

The Fake News does not share with you that this fraud was once a pastor and preacher of the gospel. So why, if he was a pastor, is he now calling for the destruction of Whitey and Jesus? What gospel was he preaching, what were his beliefs is the question? Was it the Black Liberation Theology gospel?  Galatians 1:6-10 and … Click Here to Read More

Who Am I ?

I have titled this  “Who am I?” I have no idea who wrote this as it is being shared on Fascist Book with a note to copy and share. I have added to it, so it is not in it’s original form. As you read this, you best examine just who you are also! There is a music video at … Click Here to Read More

Instead of Donning Black Face, Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Gang Drape Themselves in African Garb!

I had just changed the headline from the one below in bold, loaded this article up to the website for my editor, got back to scanning the news and voilà, this: Kira Davis: What the Democrats Did Today Was Political Blackface These Democrats are Enemies of Law Enforcement—Enemies of America—Enemies of Humanity—Enemies of the Church and Enemies of GOD! The … Click Here to Read More

Christian Woman Fired for Quoting Scripture in regard to Black Lives Matter

This is the reason why most people will not take a stand and speak up. They are afraid of being attacked, ridiculed and may lose their Job. So I say that #ChristianLivesMatter! You MUST NOT let the Communist bullies keep you silent. So what if you lose friends. So what if you lose a job. The Lord has a better … Click Here to Read More

Bowing and Taking a Knee is NOT Enough for the Racist Communist Mob

You give them an inch, they will take a Mile! Revelation 22:9 “Prostrate yourself to God.” Luke 4:8 “You shall prostrate yourself to the Lord, your God, and to him only you shall officially minister.’ Revelation 15:4 “Because you only are holy, (speaking of GOD Himself!) because all the races will come, and prostrate themselves before your face, because your … Click Here to Read More

Faux Christian Kanye West Dumps the Bible and Joins in with Racist Black Lives Matter Protesters

Update 12/4/22 on Ye as he is now called. Kanye West went on the Alex Jones show and praised Hitler! Like Hitler, Kanye, Ye, or whatever the Demons in him chose to be called, is a C.I.N.O. just like 99.9% of the Hellywood elite! Before I begin, it will behoove all of us to heed the words that Benjamin Watson … Click Here to Read More

STOP Bowing and Kneeling White People: You had best Repent for the Abomination!

Romans 11:3-4 “Lord, they have killed thy prophets, and digged down thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life. 4But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.“ White people BEG FORGIVENESS from their black neighbors in … Click Here to Read More