Evangelical Deep State Misleading Christians

These Apostate Devils Disciples are part of the Clergy Response Teams that have betrayed the Gospel of Jesus Christ in these last days!   In an interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, prominent Southern Baptist evangelist Thomas Littleton exposes the “Evangelical Deep State” and its nefarious efforts to mislead the Church and corrupt even conservative denominations. … Click Here to Read More

How the Communist Democrats Stole the Election and Thanksgiving and Christmas. What’s Next? Your FREEDOM Your LIFE?

The God hating Communist Democrats are the epitome of EVIL! by Jon Watkins and Cynthia Pawl The Democrats swore they would not lose this election no matter what.  They knew they did not have a snowballs chance in Hell of winning, so they did what they do best…  They lied, stole, coerced, manipulated, forged, and used technology to manufacture votes.  … Click Here to Read More

Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions

Lash Yourself To The Masthead And Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions: A Patriot Must Always Be Ready To Defend His Country Against His Government, This May Be The Time Submitted by  Dr. Don Boys – All News PipeLine Tuesday was Election Day, 2020. Last night, hundreds of protesters marched through Washington, D.C. with a sign demanding, “Burn  down the American … Click Here to Read More

Chinese Communist Party Rewrites Bible says Jesus Killing Sinners

China’s state-controlled textbooks teach citizens that Jesus stoned sinners to death The Chinese Communist Party is teaching citizens that Jesus brutally killed sinners Jay Greenberg | Neon Nettle – The Chinese Communist Party is rewriting stories from the Bible for government-issued ethics textbooks to depict Jesus Christ as a brutal murderous dictator. One story is edited to depict Jesus killing … Click Here to Read More

Most People in the Church have become Boot-Licking Religious Apostates

This headline below says it the way I usually say stuff, but he already used it!  Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” Most preachers have given over, sold their souls to the government, and have become apostate! American Christians Have Become Boot-Licking Pansies D.L. Parker – Picking up on the same note … Click Here to Read More

Communist Antifa are now Burning Bibles Pig Heads along with the American Flag

Communists burn a Bible at riots in Portland. I suppose if it is an NIV, Queen James, or any of the other paraphrase version, that is OK by me! They are NOT the True Word of God anyways! Portland Antifa Rioters Are Now Burning Bibles, US Flags and Animals In The Street Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Far-left Antifa … Click Here to Read More

Fake News Rag New York Times is Blaming the Church for Spike in Chi-Comm Virus Cases

The Luciferian’s at the Fake News Rag New York Times are at it again blaming Religious people for the upsurge of case of the Chi-Comm Virus.  Never mind that MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Communist Terrorists took to the streets for weeks in massive crowds rioting and looting!  Nooooooo…, it’s the rebellious people who are sitting in the pew for maybe … Click Here to Read More

Failed Preacher and Wanna-Be Black Man Shaun King wants his Cronies to Attack Christian Objects including Jesus Statues

The Fake News does not share with you that this fraud was once a pastor and preacher of the gospel. So why, if he was a pastor, is he now calling for the destruction of Whitey and Jesus? What gospel was he preaching, what were his beliefs is the question? Was it the Black Liberation Theology gospel?  Galatians 1:6-10 and … Click Here to Read More

Has the Kingdom of Darkness taken over the Denominations?

Lots of Demon Possessed people in leadership are dragging the church to HELL!! 1st Timothy 4:1-3 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding … Click Here to Read More

Christianophobia is on the Rise

They have a name, a Phobia, for everything! What in the world is Christianophobia It means “fear of Christians” but I don’t think that is the problem. It is really a fear of the Truth. The truth being those who hate and persecute Christians have a fear of Jesus Christ because, deep down, they KNOW he is King of kings … Click Here to Read More