Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions

Lash Yourself To The Masthead And Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions: A Patriot Must Always Be Ready To Defend His Country Against His Government, This May Be The Time Submitted by  Dr. Don Boys – All News PipeLine Tuesday was Election Day, 2020. Last night, hundreds of protesters marched through Washington, D.C. with a sign demanding, “Burn  down the American … Click Here to Read More

Burn Loot Murder BLM Removes “What We Believe” Page

BLM’s ‘What We Believe’ Manifesto Vanishes From Website Ahead Of US Election It looks like the Black Lives Matter (BLM) group have deleted its ‘What We Believe’ manifesto page from its website. Niamh Harris | News Punch – The page which contained the group’s radical objectives for transforming society is however still viewable on the “Wayback Machine” One of the … Click Here to Read More

God Hating Charlotte Communists: March Chanting F@#% Your Jesus!

Those clowns just secured their fate! Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street Chanting ‘F-ck Your Jesus,’ Cover Street Preacher With Silly String Cassandra Fairbanks | Gateway Pundit – Black Lives Matter rioters in Charlotte marched down the street chanting “f-ck your Jesus” on Monday night. The chant originally began as “cops killed Jesus,” but quickly took an … Click Here to Read More

Matthew 10 and Luke 12: Words of Jesus Coming to Pass in 2020

It is Brother vs Brother, Parents vs Their Kids and Neighbor vs Neighbor-The Civil War Has Come to Main Street America Luke 12:51-53 “Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division: 52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.53 … Click Here to Read More

Communist Antifa are now Burning Bibles Pig Heads along with the American Flag

Communists burn a Bible at riots in Portland. I suppose if it is an NIV, Queen James, or any of the other paraphrase version, that is OK by me! They are NOT the True Word of God anyways! Portland Antifa Rioters Are Now Burning Bibles, US Flags and Animals In The Street Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Far-left Antifa … Click Here to Read More

Black Baptist Pastor Takes Jesus OFF of the Cross and REPLACES Him with Racist John Lewis! 

Says he, Lewis and others, shed their blood, took the stripes for black folk, and died for the Black Man! Donned in African Ancestor Worship garb, this fool is very close to blasphemy, the unpardonable sin. But since he is NOT saved, Not Born Again, he can be forgiven. Reformation Charlotte – In recent days, John Lewis has been heralded … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic on a Plane: Threatens to Kill those who Deny Jesus was a Black Man

And this is a Lunatic White Man that did it! I have addressed this “Jesus was black” crap many times. Here is the latest – Are Domestic Terrorists, the Democrats, BLM and Antifa using Jesus to keep the Racism Narrative Flaming? Man Threatens To Kill Anyone on Alaska Airlines Flight Who Denies ‘Jesus Was a Black Man Baxter Dmirty | News … Click Here to Read More

Are Domestic Terrorists, the Democrats, BLM and Antifa using Jesus to keep the Racism Narrative Flaming?

You bet they are and as I have said, as well as many others, they will be coming for the Church next. That is why some Apostates are getting out in front ahead of the pack, while others are merging with the Lunatics. That philosophy only works for a short time, because at some point, the pack is going to … Click Here to Read More

The Tranny of BHAZ: Top Citizen Welcomes MSDNC Crew to Town!

One of their Top Citizens was there to greet the MSDNC crew and welcome them in!! Excerpts PJ Media – A dude in a pink bikini did more to demonstrate the hypocrisy of the political power class in Washington than any speech, any march, or any gotcha moment. There he was in all his pink glory running up on NBC/MSNBC … Click Here to Read More

Failed Preacher and Wanna-Be Black Man Shaun King wants his Cronies to Attack Christian Objects including Jesus Statues

The Fake News does not share with you that this fraud was once a pastor and preacher of the gospel. So why, if he was a pastor, is he now calling for the destruction of Whitey and Jesus? What gospel was he preaching, what were his beliefs is the question? Was it the Black Liberation Theology gospel?  Galatians 1:6-10 and … Click Here to Read More