False Man-made Religion of Satan: There Is No Official Definition of a Woman

There is “no official definition” of a woman according to the Church of England, which is a spin-off of the pagan whore religion known as Catholicism! They have the exact same pagan rituals minus them taking orders from the false prophet Pope!!! …Adam Kendry, a lay member of the Synod and a representative of the Royal Navy, asked: “What is … Click Here to Read More

Government Is Now The New Religion?

Mac Slavo | SHTF – A new magazine cover of the Jacobin is striking a nerve after it appears that the magazine is saying the government is now god and our religion, to be worshiped. It sure begs the age-old question: who do you serve? If we are ever to be free, we have to remove our consent. That goes … Click Here to Read More

Hindus Beat Pastor in India, Threaten to Sacrifice Him to False god Over Bible Tracts

The Hindu gods (Demons) these people worship are the most vial and vicious there are. Why do you think India is plagued with poverty and disease? If you worship them, YOU TOO invite the Wrath of God on you and your family! HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – The last thing pastor Shelton Vishwanathan recalled happening before he lost consciousness in … Click Here to Read More

Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions

Lash Yourself To The Masthead And Expect A Storm Of Biblical Proportions: A Patriot Must Always Be Ready To Defend His Country Against His Government, This May Be The Time Submitted by  Dr. Don Boys – All News PipeLine Tuesday was Election Day, 2020. Last night, hundreds of protesters marched through Washington, D.C. with a sign demanding, “Burn  down the American … Click Here to Read More

Phil Robertson: United States has FORGOTTEN GOD!

I don’t usually post stuff that celebrities say, but Phil Robertson is MY kind of preacher. He tells it like it is, and dose not care WHO it offends, even tells the truth to President Trump! Phil has not been gelded, and is not like sissy preachers who have “Lace on their Panties”!  He preaches Hell, Fire and Brimstone and … Click Here to Read More

Kamala Devi Harris Jezebel Extraordinaire: Part 1 Mixed Religions

What a combination! Kamala Devi Harris is a Black Baptist Hindu and is married to a Jewish man! Kamala Devi are names of Hindu gods AKA DEMONS! You can NOT mix Religions. It results in extreme demon possession and will manifest into no good thing! I want to make one thing PERFECTLY CLEAR! I have nothing against Indian folk. I … Click Here to Read More

Communists Destroy Church Idols

It dose NOT matter if it is a Statue of Mary, Buddha, false Hindu gods, Statues of famous people, Angels, or even one of Jesus!  It becomes an IDOL and then Stupid people kneel down to it and worship IT. That will provoke the LORD to anger and the LORD WILL deal with it. He will use the disciples of … Click Here to Read More

Americans are Being Terrorized by Hypocrites

Americans Are Now Being Terrorized By Hypocrites Wearing Black Robes As US Supreme Court Rejects ‘Normal’ To Favor The Abnormal, Abominable & Abhorrent! – Americans Should Retaliate Against The LGBT Mafia With Our Dollars! No Court Or Legislative Body Can Stop Us By Don Boys, Ph.D. for All News Pipeline Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court smirked at thousands of years … Click Here to Read More

Instead of Donning Black Face, Nasty Nancy Pelosi and Gang Drape Themselves in African Garb!

I had just changed the headline from the one below in bold, loaded this article up to the website for my editor, got back to scanning the news and voilà, this: Kira Davis: What the Democrats Did Today Was Political Blackface These Democrats are Enemies of Law Enforcement—Enemies of America—Enemies of Humanity—Enemies of the Church and Enemies of GOD! The … Click Here to Read More

Do They? Do the Communist Democrats in New York Really Read the Bible?

‘Here in New York We Actually Read the Bible’ says Fredo’s Brother, the Reverend Andrew Cuomo Pathetic! These clowns are semi-religious frauds!! I doubt it! But I am sure he and his comrades have read the “Communist Manifesto“,  Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” and Hitler’s “Mein Kampf”! All of the filthy Communist Democrat Progressive Trash have—and it is what they … Click Here to Read More