Hindus Beat Pastor in India, Threaten to Sacrifice Him to False god Over Bible Tracts

The Hindu gods (Demons) these people worship are the most vial and vicious there are. Why do you think India is plagued with poverty and disease? If you worship them, YOU TOO invite the Wrath of God on you and your family! HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – The last thing pastor Shelton Vishwanathan recalled happening before he lost consciousness in … Click Here to Read More

Animists in India attack Christians

Attacked Christians in India Risk Arrest if Worship Draws more Assaults NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Police in eastern India have threatened to arrest Christians for “disturbing the peace” if their worship draws more opposition after recent attacks, including one that has nearly cost an elderly woman her sight, sources said. Complaining that Christian prayers have driven away their nature-based … Click Here to Read More

The Self-Inflicted Economic Wound due to the Chi-Comm Virus Hysteria

Self-Inflicted meaning that this nation, and the world for that matter, has thumbed their nose and shook their fist at the LORD, basically saying “get out and stay out of our business, we don’t need you”!  2nd Thessalonians 2:11 “And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:” In three short months, just … Click Here to Read More

A Presbyterian Church (USA) hosts a Pagan god Sculpture at Church

They did the same as the false religion of Catholicism. See that Blasphemy here. Christian Post – A Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation in New York has garnered controversy for its decision to host a pagan sculpture on their property. The United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton, a PC (USA) congregation associated with the pro- LGBT group More Light Presbyterians, hosted a … Click Here to Read More

Animists-Maoists-Hindu Extremists and Police Unite against Christians

Animists Opposing Christianity in India Find Allies in Maoists, Police, Hindu Extremists Animists and Hindu extremists mob against Christian burial of Mohan Nag’s daughter Suman Nag in Ulnar village, Chhattisgarh state. (Morning Star News) HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – In an area of central India where tribal animists enlist Maoist militants to kill Christians who refuse to recant, Sodi … Click Here to Read More

Muslim Gang Leader in Chicago wants to Behead anyone who Insults the false prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was a Child Molester and a Pedophile among other things! Read this: Can any good thing come out of Chicago? and this: Chicago Muslims Convicted for Conspiring with ISIS Chicago Drug Gang Leader Says if Anyone Insults Muhammad, ‘His Head Gotta Go’ Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch – It could be a whole new trend, drug dealers against blasphemy: Jason … Click Here to Read More

Communist Democrats have created a False Imaginary god

Baptist Pastor Robert Jeffress Gives Fiery Speech Says That The Democrats Have Created An ‘Imaginary God’, And He Is Absolutely Correct “When they talk about God, they are not talking about the real God — the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God who revealed Himself in the Bible,” Jeffress said Saturday, according to The Christian Post. “These liberal … Click Here to Read More