Hindu Nationalists Incite Animists to Attack Christians in India

Tribal villagers indoctrinated to do the bidding of Hindu extremists. NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Six Christian families were worshipping in a wood-and-hay structure in eastern India last month when an influential man of wealth wielding an axe led others in and, in coarse language, asked why they had abandoned their tribal religion. Elder Burjo Tadinji of the church in … Click Here to Read More

Animists in India attack Christians

Attacked Christians in India Risk Arrest if Worship Draws more Assaults NEW DELHI (Morning Star News) – Police in eastern India have threatened to arrest Christians for “disturbing the peace” if their worship draws more opposition after recent attacks, including one that has nearly cost an elderly woman her sight, sources said. Complaining that Christian prayers have driven away their nature-based … Click Here to Read More

Animists-Maoists-Hindu Extremists and Police Unite against Christians

Animists Opposing Christianity in India Find Allies in Maoists, Police, Hindu Extremists Animists and Hindu extremists mob against Christian burial of Mohan Nag’s daughter Suman Nag in Ulnar village, Chhattisgarh state. (Morning Star News) HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – In an area of central India where tribal animists enlist Maoist militants to kill Christians who refuse to recant, Sodi … Click Here to Read More