Is a Prelude of a Rider on the Pale Horse and the Bowls being poured out right now in China God’s way to get the Attention of the Wicked of the World?

Is it also an attention getter for the dead and dying Laodicean Church? Best study up on the Four Horseman and the Seven Bowls! You MUST understand this. Everything that happens in the World is either Orchestrated by God, or HE Allows it to happen! Remember that there is a Devil loose “going to and fro in the earth, and … Click Here to Read More

Animists-Maoists-Hindu Extremists and Police Unite against Christians

Animists Opposing Christianity in India Find Allies in Maoists, Police, Hindu Extremists Animists and Hindu extremists mob against Christian burial of Mohan Nag’s daughter Suman Nag in Ulnar village, Chhattisgarh state. (Morning Star News) HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – In an area of central India where tribal animists enlist Maoist militants to kill Christians who refuse to recant, Sodi … Click Here to Read More