Government Is Now The New Religion?

Mac Slavo | SHTF – A new magazine cover of the Jacobin is striking a nerve after it appears that the magazine is saying the government is now god and our religion, to be worshiped. It sure begs the age-old question: who do you serve? If we are ever to be free, we have to remove our consent. That goes … Click Here to Read More

Hindus Beat Pastor in India, Threaten to Sacrifice Him to False god Over Bible Tracts

The Hindu gods (Demons) these people worship are the most vial and vicious there are. Why do you think India is plagued with poverty and disease? If you worship them, YOU TOO invite the Wrath of God on you and your family! HYDERABAD, India (Morning Star News) – The last thing pastor Shelton Vishwanathan recalled happening before he lost consciousness in … Click Here to Read More

Teacher Leads Children in Praise Chant for Kamala Harris

This is plain simple Idolatry,  indoctrinating and Brain Washing of Children! A teacher at Stanley Eugene Clark School in New York City led children in a demonic chant celebrating Kamala Harris. Notice in the first part of the video below, there is NOT a White Child in the Class!! Remember when public school educators had children sing praise songs to … Click Here to Read More

God Has Not Abandoned America…, America Has Abandoned God!

The Signs Are Clear And Disturbing That God Did Not Abandon America, But America Abandoned God – Things Are Getting Much Worse And Will Continue To Do So By Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine Political tensions across American have been high for years now, but with other events added on top of the powder keg already waiting for a … Click Here to Read More

Communists Destroy Church Idols

It dose NOT matter if it is a Statue of Mary, Buddha, false Hindu gods, Statues of famous people, Angels, or even one of Jesus!  It becomes an IDOL and then Stupid people kneel down to it and worship IT. That will provoke the LORD to anger and the LORD WILL deal with it. He will use the disciples of … Click Here to Read More

Bowing and Taking a Knee is NOT Enough for the Racist Communist Mob

You give them an inch, they will take a Mile! Revelation 22:9 “Prostrate yourself to God.” Luke 4:8 “You shall prostrate yourself to the Lord, your God, and to him only you shall officially minister.’ Revelation 15:4 “Because you only are holy, (speaking of GOD Himself!) because all the races will come, and prostrate themselves before your face, because your … Click Here to Read More

A New Religion?: Church of England Replaces Vatican Flag With NHS Flag

Is worship of Medicine the New Religion for Stupid Catholics? Worship of health workers reaches new level of hysteria. Paul Joseph Watson |Prison Planet – A Catholic Church in England has removed its Vatican flag and replaced it with an NHS flag, illustrating once again how the National Health Service is akin to a religious institution in the United Kingdom. … Click Here to Read More

Church of England Crab Walks Biblical Marriage

These Apostates, who are a spin-off of Roman Catholicism, are bowing to the Filthy, Depraved, Demon Possessed Pervert crowd, who are emboldened because FAKE Christians are bowing to them as they do the other Idols they worship! Church of England Apologizes for Restating Christian Doctrine on Marriage Tyler O’Neil | PJ Media – Last week, the Church of England’s House … Click Here to Read More

A Presbyterian Church (USA) hosts a Pagan god Sculpture at Church

They did the same as the false religion of Catholicism. See that Blasphemy here. Christian Post – A Presbyterian Church (USA) congregation in New York has garnered controversy for its decision to host a pagan sculpture on their property. The United Presbyterian Church of Binghamton, a PC (USA) congregation associated with the pro- LGBT group More Light Presbyterians, hosted a … Click Here to Read More

A Presbyterian Church (USA) hosts a Pagan god Sculpture at Church

They did the same as the false religion of Catholicism. See that Blasphemy here. Leviticus 26:1 “Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.” Christian Post – A … Click Here to Read More