The American Family is Being Destroyed by the Radical Feminists and LGBTQPXYZ Perverts

A new congressional report proves that the institutions of marriage and family are being systematically destroyed in America Genesis 2:24 “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.” Michael Snyder – The numbers that I am about to share with you are extremely sobering, and they … Click Here to Read More

Church of England Crab Walks Biblical Marriage

These Apostates, who are a spin-off of Roman Catholicism, are bowing to the Filthy, Depraved, Demon Possessed Pervert crowd, who are emboldened because FAKE Christians are bowing to them as they do the other Idols they worship! Church of England Apologizes for Restating Christian Doctrine on Marriage Tyler O’Neil | PJ Media – Last week, the Church of England’s House … Click Here to Read More