Nigeria Once Again Is the Worst in World for Kidnapping and Killing Christians

This is Islam… This is what Muslims do! Morning Star News –  Suspected Fulani herdsmen last week killed three Christians in attacks in Nigeria, where more Christians were killed for their faith last year than in any other country, sources said. Three Christians were killed and two wounded in an ambush at about 9:30 p.m. on Jan. 10 in predominantly … Click Here to Read More

Canadian Imam: Christians and Jews are Our Enemies

Canadian Imam Calls for West to Submit to Taliban: Christians and Jews Are ‘Our Enemies’ Sean Adl-Tabatabai  | News Punch – A top Canadian Imam is calling on Canadians to get behind the Tablian’s takeover of Afghanistan, declaring that Christians and Jews are “our enemies.” Imam Younus Kathrada attacked Western countries in a recent sermon conducted in Trudeau’s Canada, accusing … Click Here to Read More

Back to Forced Conversion to Islam, Sharia Law and Sex Slavery for Females in Afghanistan

Under The Taliban, Christians In Afghanistan Are Facing A Future Of Sex Slavery, Forced Conversion And Brutal Persecution Michael Snyder – At this hour, Christian families in Afghanistan are hiding in their homes waiting for the inevitable knock on the door.  The Taliban is trying very hard to convince the rest of the world that they have become more moderate … Click Here to Read More

Three Jezebel’s and the Biden Administration Team Up to Try and Hoodwink Biblically Ignorant People

What happened to Separation of Church and State?  This Religious Unity Crap is good, as long as you DON’T Preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ 2nd Corinthians 6:14-16 “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? 15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what … Click Here to Read More

Christians Threatened by Muslim Extremists: Churches Burned in Sudan

Worship Structures in Sudan Burned, Christians Threatened Nine of 14 Muslim extremist suspects arrested. NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists in Sudan who have burned down a church’s worship structure five times threatened to kill them if they put up another tent and continue worshipping, sources said. Police this month arrested nine of the 14 radical Muslims who burned … Click Here to Read More

Catholic Joe Biden wants MORE of Islam taught in America’s Schools

This is no surprise as Catholicism is MERGING with Islam into what I call CatholIslam. They are beckoning others to become the One World Religion with the false prophet and the anti-Christ running it! Joe Biden is a Luciferian just like all the rest of the filthy Communist Terrorist Democrats! He uses the Pagan Religion as a Facade just like … Click Here to Read More

Crazed Muslim Father in Uganda Burns Daughter for Becoming Christian

AIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Unable to return to her home in western Uganda due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, Rehema Kyomuhendo was in the eastern part of the country when she first heard about Christ. In March she had accompanied her father, a sheikh (Muslim teacher) on a business trip from Mbarara District to Mbale District, 492 kilometers (305 … Click Here to Read More

Minnesota Catholic Priest said Islam is the ‘Greatest Threat in the World’ and has to Apologize!

That is like the Pot calling the Kettle Black!! I say BOTH ISLAM and CATHOLICISM are the ‘Greatest Threat (s) in the World’! Both religions have, and continue to be responsible for MILLIONS of Souls being condemned to an ETERNAL HELL! Just another sign of CathoIslam! Minnesota Catholic Priest Apologizes for Saying Islam Is the ‘Greatest Threat in the World’ … Click Here to Read More

Muslim Gang Leader in Chicago wants to Behead anyone who Insults the false prophet Muhammad

Muhammad was a Child Molester and a Pedophile among other things! Read this: Can any good thing come out of Chicago? and this: Chicago Muslims Convicted for Conspiring with ISIS Chicago Drug Gang Leader Says if Anyone Insults Muhammad, ‘His Head Gotta Go’ Robert Spencer | Jihad Watch – It could be a whole new trend, drug dealers against blasphemy: Jason … Click Here to Read More