Christians Threatened by Muslim Extremists: Churches Burned in Sudan

Worship Structures in Sudan Burned, Christians Threatened Nine of 14 Muslim extremist suspects arrested. NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists in Sudan who have burned down a church’s worship structure five times threatened to kill them if they put up another tent and continue worshipping, sources said. Police this month arrested nine of the 14 radical Muslims who burned … Click Here to Read More

Christian Woman Fired for Quoting Scripture in regard to Black Lives Matter

This is the reason why most people will not take a stand and speak up. They are afraid of being attacked, ridiculed and may lose their Job. So I say that #ChristianLivesMatter! You MUST NOT let the Communist bullies keep you silent. So what if you lose friends. So what if you lose a job. The Lord has a better … Click Here to Read More