Christians Threatened by Muslim Extremists: Churches Burned in Sudan

Worship Structures in Sudan Burned, Christians Threatened Nine of 14 Muslim extremist suspects arrested. NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Muslim extremists in Sudan who have burned down a church’s worship structure five times threatened to kill them if they put up another tent and continue worshipping, sources said. Police this month arrested nine of the 14 radical Muslims who burned … Click Here to Read More

Sudan Orders Demolition of at Least 25 Church Buildings

Wider crack-down by Islamist government cited.

JUBA, South Sudan (Morning Star News) – State officials in Sudan plan to demolish at least 25 church buildings in the Khartoum area, according to Christian leaders.

A June 13, 2016 letter from the Executive Corporation for the Protection of Government Lands, Environment, Roads and Demolition of Irregularities of Khartoum State reveals the names and locations of 25 church buildings marked for demolition, most of them in the Sharq al Neel (East Nile area) locality of Khartoum North. The government reportedly claimed the churches were built on land zoned for other uses, but Christian leaders said it is part of wider crack-down on Christianity.

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