The Devils that Run Google/YouTube Don’t Want You To See and Know This TRUTH

The Gestapo trash at Fascist Book and Twitter will follow in their fellow Luciferians foot steps! YouTube Removes Tucker Carlson Interview With ‘De-Transitioned’ Woman Steve Watson | Info Wars – Google owned YouTube has removed a recent interview Tucker Carlson produced with a woman who ‘de-transitioned’ from gender conversion and is now speaking out against the promotion of the ideology … Click Here to Read More

Who Am I ?

I have titled this  “Who am I?” I have no idea who wrote this as it is being shared on Fascist Book with a note to copy and share. I have added to it, so it is not in it’s original form. As you read this, you best examine just who you are also! There is a music video at … Click Here to Read More

Christian Woman Fired for Quoting Scripture in regard to Black Lives Matter

This is the reason why most people will not take a stand and speak up. They are afraid of being attacked, ridiculed and may lose their Job. So I say that #ChristianLivesMatter! You MUST NOT let the Communist bullies keep you silent. So what if you lose friends. So what if you lose a job. The Lord has a better … Click Here to Read More

Wake up America before the Flushing Process is Complete!

1st Timothy 4:1-3 “Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; 2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; 3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving … Click Here to Read More

YouTube Bans another Christian Channel

Josh Peck Daily Renegade Channel Banned Ray Gano – If you did not hear… Josh Peck’s Daily Renegade has been banned on You Tube from uploading any more videos as well as demonetized; meaning they cannot earn money from advertisers. BUT…does that stop You Tube from advertising on their videos? Nope… adds still run, but Josh does not make a … Click Here to Read More

Ben Garrison Censored at Social Media Censorship Gathering!

Official Statement from Ben Garrison I’m back from my whirlwind trip to our nation’s capital. As my supporters know, I was invited to visit the White House to join my peers, otherwise known as ‘influencers’ on the Internet and discuss the ongoing and increased censorship of conservative voices. Then I got censored from the summit on censorship.   Some have said … Click Here to Read More