The Devils that Run Google/YouTube Don’t Want You To See and Know This TRUTH

The Gestapo trash at Fascist Book and Twitter will follow in their fellow Luciferians foot steps! YouTube Removes Tucker Carlson Interview With ‘De-Transitioned’ Woman Steve Watson | Info Wars – Google owned YouTube has removed a recent interview Tucker Carlson produced with a woman who ‘de-transitioned’ from gender conversion and is now speaking out against the promotion of the ideology … Click Here to Read More

YouTube is helping Pedophiles with their Sexual Perversion

YouTube Recommendation System Gathers Together Videos Of Partially-Dressed Young Children And ‘Recommends Them To Pedophiles Geoffrey Grider | NTEB – The writers interviewed Christiane C., a mother from the Rio de Janeiro area, whose 10-year-old daughter and a friend uploaded an innocuous video of themselves while swimming in a backyard pool. When Christiane’s daughter excitedly told her mother several days … Click Here to Read More