The NOT So Wonderful World of Disney Is Full of Child Sexual Predators and Other Minions of Lucifer

And YOU keep right on promoting and watching their Witchcraft laced programming—that is grooming your Child or Grand Child—to be a Homosexual, Lesbian, Pedophile, Witch, Satanist, and a Hater of the Living God! YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM if you allow your Child or Grand Child to watch ANY of this UN-Godly spawn from Hell. YOU WILL be held … Click Here to Read More

It’s a Trannys Trans World and the Perverts are Taking Over

What YOU gonna do when the Perverts come for YOU!   Jon Bowne | Free World News – The progressive trans cancel culture is gradually eliminating the biologically natural female sex. 2022 is becoming the year when transgenders fully inserted themselves into the status quo to achieve the Saul Alinsky judo move on equality. Aside from us now having to … Click Here to Read More

Researchers Find That Homosexuals Are More Likely to Get Dementia

People who KNOW what the Word of God says do NOT need a shrink to tell us what we already know. They have Reprobate Minds! ‘The prevalence of cognitive impairment is significantly higher among sexual minority older adults than among heterosexual older adults.’ Reprobate: A morally unprincipled person. One who is predestined to damnation. Morally unprincipled; shameless. Romans 1:22-32 “Professing … Click Here to Read More

The 2020 Half Time Whore Show

Including Young Exploited Girls, Occult Symbolism, Witchcraft and Satanism!  The Devil helps Idols to Dance and Sing, Wither and Scream, all while they forget the Lord and chase their Dream.  by Jon Watkins | 2/3/20 Proverbs 30:20 “Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.” I … Click Here to Read More

Super Sex Trafficking during Super Bowl Week

The Super Bowl’s Biggest Losers: The Boys and Girls Being Sold for Sex 20 Times a Day “Children are being targeted and sold for sex in America every day.”—John Ryan, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children John W. Whitehead  – There can only be one winner emerging from this year’s Super Bowl LIV showdown between the San Francisco 49ers … Click Here to Read More

Apostasy: The Falling Away Continues in the SBC

The Baptists believe in eternal security and salvation. That means that once you get saved, no matter what you do, you will go to heaven! That folks is a lie straight from the pit of Hell. It is true that if you commit sin and ask the Lord to forgive you, he will. 1st John 1:8-10 “If we say that … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic Tranny Johnathan Yaniv is now targeting Gynecologist’s

Pervert thinks HE has a vagina and a womb. This is how depraved the demons that possess HIM are!  He does not really believe that he has female parts. This is just to grab the spotlight. This poor depraved demon possessed MAN is just desperate for attention. ‘Wax My Balls’ Trans Activist Complains That Gynecologists Won’t See Her Paul Watson … Click Here to Read More

They are NOT GRRRRREAT any longer! Kellogg’s goes Full Queer!

Kellogg’s is about to roll out cereal for the homosexual community. Also see: Manufactures, Retailers and Super Hero’s going Queer They have made it through the test marketing phase and will now be rolling out a special cereal collection for the LGBTQ community. Shockingly, the slogan idea of Froot Loops for Fruit Loops was not picked and the collection is being labeled … Click Here to Read More

Political Prophetess Warns: Climate Change turns Women into Harlots?

Lefty lawmaker warns: Climate change makes Women Prostitutes Without food, they’ll do anything to survive! That is according to Barbara Lee, Democrat Rep of California.  I am so glad this fine upstanding Jezebel of a woman has let us know the root of Prostitution. The cause has eluded mankind for centuries!  Now the John’s can give them food instead of … Click Here to Read More

Top Broadway Producer Caught with Child Rape Porn

Baxter Dmitry | News Punch – Ben Sprecher, the Broadway producer behind numerous big-budget musicals, was arrested Tuesday for downloading child-porn and collecting a sickening stash of child rape images and videos — as disgusted neighbors said he once went around collecting signatures to get faster Internet. Sprecher — who has produced everything from Broadway’s “Brighton Beach Memoirs’’ to “American Buffalo,’’ … Click Here to Read More