Chi-Comm Coronavirus Hot Spots: Some Interesting Comparisons!

There are some very interesting facts that I have seen unfolding as the Bio-Weapon of the Chi-Comm’s spreads around the world! Notice: This is an evolving agenda of the Luciferian’s,  and more info will be revealed in the coming days and months. I will add updates to this article so bookmark it and check back. If you go to most … Click Here to Read More

House of Moloch: 215 Democrats Demand Blood Of Innocent Babies

All of the Democrat Satanists Back Bill To Overturn Hundreds Of Pro-Life Laws Despite State’s Sovereign Citizens Approving Them 215 House Democrats Back Bill that Would Overturn Hundreds of Pro-Life State Laws Michael Foust | Christian Headlines – A bill that would guarantee a right to an abortion and overturn nearly every state-level restriction of the procedure has the support … Click Here to Read More

The 2020 Half Time Whore Show

Including Young Exploited Girls, Occult Symbolism, Witchcraft and Satanism!  The Devil helps Idols to Dance and Sing, Wither and Scream, all while they forget the Lord and chase their Dream.  by Jon Watkins | 2/3/20 Proverbs 30:20 “Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness.” I … Click Here to Read More

Satanism and Human Sacrifice is the Driving Force behind the Abortion Industry

‘Doctrine of Demons’: New Film Exposes Satanic Inspiration for Abortion Tyler O’Neil | PJ Media – On Thursday, the pro-life group Created Equal published a new film exposing the Satanic inspiration behind a great deal of abortion activism. The video cites the Satanic Temple’s activism for abortion, the anti-Christian rhetoric of abortion activists, and the abortion movement’s emphasis on autonomy … Click Here to Read More

Undercover Probe Catches Abortion Doctors Play-fighting with Aborted Dead Babies

Warning: Images in this article depict disturbing abortionist behavior; reader discretion advised. You can also here several SICK BASTARDS and BITCHES laughing in the audio as they play music! A horrific video clip resurfaced Wednesday appearing to show abortion doctors staging a fight using dead unborn babies. Catholic priest Fr. Frank Pavone revealed the sickening footage on Twitter, claiming it … Click Here to Read More

Judge Rules City and Police Department Violated the Constitution by Holding Community Prayer Vigil Against Crime

It is time folks to stand up to these Atheists/Satanists and fight them in the Courts, but more so in the Spirit Realm!  The Powers of Darkness, the Principalities, Powers and Spiritual Wickedness in High places  is the problem and we need to engage the Enemy in Warfare Prayer! 2nd Chronicles 7:14-16 “If my people, which are called by my name, … Click Here to Read More

Queer Persona’s will Manifest at Halloween this year

1st Thessalonians 5:22 “Abstain from all appearance of evil.” What part of those six words do you not understand…….., Christian?

Devil Worshiping Americans will break records with their Halloween spending this year, according to the National Retail Federation.

It is not just children who live in a fantasy world. It is NOT the children who are going out buying costumes and handing down the Sins of the Fathers  and mothers to the next Generation! Young,  and some mature adults, have not grown up and are living out their lives in a perpetual dream state, as evidenced by the snowflakes that have manifested since 2016!  1st Corinthians 13:11 “When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”   “What one generation allows in moderation, the next will practice it in EXCESS!” That is my version of a saying I heard many years ago and IS so true!

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