Media Whores Want You To Give Up God

Well, at least one God Hating Presstitute at the New York Times wants People to Give Up God! I am sure his fellow Luciferian Presstitutes are of the same Demonic mind set as he is!! Psalms 92:5-6 “O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. 6 A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool … Click Here to Read More

Jezebel in Charge of New York Seminary says She Doesn’t Believe in Heaven, Miracles or Christ’s Resurrection

Serene Jones President of Union Theological Seminary in the City of New York is an independent, non-denominational, Christian seminary located in New York City. Listen to this Pagan Spew her Atheist Idiocy! My grand-kids have a better understanding of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ than this… Theologian!  According to Wikipedia we can glean and deduce some interesting stuff. … Click Here to Read More

Atheist/Communist Bill Maher Openly Endorses Pedophilia as Love

Leftist comedian makes a joke about Covington Catholic High School students being raped Owen Benjamin joins Alex Jones live via Skype to break down the decades-old interview where Bill Maher, owner of Kid Love Productions, argues that a relationship between a 14-year-old and his teacher is just another acceptable, American love story. In a more recent clip, Maher made a … Click Here to Read More

Judge Rules City and Police Department Violated the Constitution by Holding Community Prayer Vigil Against Crime

It is time folks to stand up to these Atheists/Satanists and fight them in the Courts, but more so in the Spirit Realm!  The Powers of Darkness, the Principalities, Powers and Spiritual Wickedness in High places  is the problem and we need to engage the Enemy in Warfare Prayer! 2nd Chronicles 7:14-16 “If my people, which are called by my name, … Click Here to Read More

Why does God allow Bad Stuff to Happen?

Update 4/14/2020: People are also asking why is God allowing the current Chi-Comm Wuhan Coronavirus, Covid-19 to happen. The answer is the same for any calamity or event. A Sin sick world! Atheist Harvard Professor Pinker: Where Was God When Florida Massacre Happened? People are asking the same thing about the Santa Fe School Shooting and the answer is Still … Click Here to Read More

Communist Scumbag Bill Maher: Trump’s properties NOT damaged so there is no God!

Psalms 14:1 “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.” On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated the fact that none of President Trump’s properties in the path of Hurricane Irma were damaged by the storm shows that God … Click Here to Read More

Offense over “God Bless Us Everyone” gets School Play Canceled

Grade school cancels performance of “A Christmas Carol”

Unnamed parents took offense at the words “God bless us, everyone,”

Proverbs 18:2 “A fool hath no delight in understanding, but that his heart may discover itself.” Just more of the Liberal, Progressive, Trendy, Politically Correct Idiocy that has Possessed Fools!

Fox News December 17, 2016 – The fifth graders at Centerville Elementary School in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania have been performing “A Christmas Carol” for decades. But this year that tradition came to an abrupt end.

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I’m an atheist. So why can’t I shake God?

A Sheep gone Astray I’m an atheist. So why can’t I shake God? Article by Elizabeth King here Isaiah 53:6 “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him (Jesus) the iniquity of us all. Jon Watkins – Online Ministries February 23, 2016 Editing, corrections and … Click Here to Read More