Media Whores Want You To Give Up God

Well, at least one God Hating Presstitute at the New York Times wants People to Give Up God! I am sure his fellow Luciferian Presstitutes are of the same Demonic mind set as he is!! Psalms 92:5-6 “O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep. 6 A brutish man knoweth not; neither doth a fool … Click Here to Read More

Jesus Christ Was a Black Palestinian Crap Being Pushed by Fake News BBC

If you get Jesus wrong, it doesn’t matter what else you get right! They are just recycling from fellow Fake News New York Times! What happens when a Biblically Ignorant Communist Democrat writes about Jesus? Of course when you have Idiots who think Jesus was Black…. Black Jesus Fake News BBC Says That Jesus Christ Was A ‘Black Palestinian’ Despite … Click Here to Read More

Communist Reporter thinks Exposing Pedophiles is Not Good

Trump Asked If He Supports ‘Conspiracy Theory’ That He’s ‘Saving World From Satanic Pedophiles’ ‘I haven’t heard that, but is that supposed to be a bad thing?’ president responds Jamie White | Info Wars – President Trump signaled his support of fighting the Satanic New World Order and the pedophiles that run it when asked by a reporter if he … Click Here to Read More

Fake News Rag New York Times is Blaming the Church for Spike in Chi-Comm Virus Cases

The Luciferian’s at the Fake News Rag New York Times are at it again blaming Religious people for the upsurge of case of the Chi-Comm Virus.  Never mind that MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of Communist Terrorists took to the streets for weeks in massive crowds rioting and looting!  Nooooooo…, it’s the rebellious people who are sitting in the pew for maybe … Click Here to Read More

Apostates at Christianity Today Bowing to Baal

Christianity Today Is Wrong, As Usual, About Slavery, Racism & Trump And Now They’re Endorsing ‘Reparations’ As The Liberal War Upon Christianity Heats Up To The Boiling Point  By Don Boys, Ph.D. for All News Pipeline Recently, Christianity Today (CT) published an article they thought was adding to the racial solution but it only made it more confusing, convoluted, and … Click Here to Read More

President Trump gets Nasty Nancy Pelosi Reading the Bible for the First Time Ever!

So why is a Practicing Catholic Witch clutching a Bible and reading from it?  Matthew 7:15-20 Catholics are not supposed to read the word. They are supposed to listen to, follow the teaching of the momma church and a Homosexual Priest! Isaiah 32:5-8 “The vile person shall be no more called liberal, nor the churl said to be bountiful. 6 … Click Here to Read More

Lunatic Left loses their Minds Again: President Trump Holds up Bible in Front of St. John’s Cathedral the Day after Communists Democrats try and Burn it Down!

There is nothing more enjoyable that to see a Lunatic Democrat go into a mouth foaming frenzy over anything The President does. Defying His Enemies, President Trump Walks To Burned Church And Lifts Up The King James Bible, Driving The Enemies Of God Into Apoplectic Frenzy Michael Gerson, a former speechwriter for President George W. Bush and Washington Post columnist, … Click Here to Read More

CNN Communist Fake News Brooke Baldwin

CNN’s Baldwin Breaks Down on Air: As a White Woman, Aware of My Own Privilege ‘I Am So Angry’ Fake Blonde Bimbo from a Bottle, just like the Fake News she Spews! Her tears a crocodile tears! Breitbart News – Thursday on CNN’s “Newsroom,” host Brooke Baldwin got emotional while interviewing Minneapolis City Council member Andrea Jenkins about the death … Click Here to Read More

Truth or Propaganda from the Middle East: Christian Persecution and Babies in Incubators

Are we being told the truth about Persecuted Christians in the Middle East The Blind Leading the Blind? Matthew 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. Jon Watkins   Online Ministries   August 7, 2014 We must be careful of what we endorse … Click Here to Read More