Jesus Christ Was a Black Palestinian Crap Being Pushed by Fake News BBC

If you get Jesus wrong, it doesn’t matter what else you get right! They are just recycling from fellow Fake News New York Times! What happens when a Biblically Ignorant Communist Democrat writes about Jesus? Of course when you have Idiots who think Jesus was Black…. Black Jesus Fake News BBC Says That Jesus Christ Was A ‘Black Palestinian’ Despite … Click Here to Read More

Communist Muslim Activist Linda Sarsour: Jesus was Palestinian

Muslim Linda Sarsour, a well-known Communist Democrat political activist, suggested over the weekend Jesus was, at least in part, a Palestinian man. In a series of tweets, Sarsour argued Jesus was both Palestinian and Jewish, claiming “multiple truths can co-exist.” While the Son of God was religiously Jewish, she said he was born in what was — and is — … Click Here to Read More

What happens when a Biblically Ignorant Communist Democrat writes about Jesus?

Answer: They show us how really STUPID they really are! They just parrot false fake news instead of actually researching and telling the truth. But hey — they are of their father the Devil who is a Liar — so what should we expect?  John 8:44 “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye … Click Here to Read More