Democrat Platform: Abortion, BLM, LGBTQPXYZ Unleashes the Power of Women!

Nancy Pelosi gushed over the fact that the Communist Democrats were so diverse with Illegal Aliens, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tranny’s and the rest of the LGBTQPXYZ crowd!  She also Praised Democrats for being champions of abortion during her rehearsed DNC speech. With all of that Abomination, that is what will send all of them to HELL! Micaiah Bilger | Life News … Click Here to Read More

Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions ‘whites’ a total of 15 times The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard. “In more than 80 pages in the draft … Click Here to Read More

States of the Damned: The Damnation Donkeys

Mark 16:16 “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Ben Garrison – There is one constant about MSNBC and CNN: They shamelessly repeat their insane lies du jour over and over again. In that manner, maybe they think people will become brainwashed. Repetition is an MKUltra mind control tactic. Before … Click Here to Read More

Chi-Comm Coronavirus Hot Spots: Some Interesting Comparisons!

There are some very interesting facts that I have seen unfolding as the Bio-Weapon of the Chi-Comm’s spreads around the world! Notice: This is an evolving agenda of the Luciferian’s,  and more info will be revealed in the coming days and months. I will add updates to this article so bookmark it and check back. If you go to most … Click Here to Read More

Satanic Baby Hating Witch says Unborn Babies are Tapeworms

Jezebel Harlot likens a Fetus to a Parasite Job 31:15 “Did not he that made me in the womb make him? and did not one fashion us in the womb?” Apparently, the phrase “my body my choice” only applies to those who are part of the liberal consensus. “Pro-choice” advocates protesting Missouri’s abortion ban shove Millie Weaver and try to … Click Here to Read More

Satanic Democrat Planned Parenthood Denial Spectacle

The party of Death and Abortion is set to take the national stage Jon Bowne | News Wars – As mainstream media propaganda giants report that in Missouri the last remaining abortion clinic in the state has closed, rather than reporting the full story revolving around the investigation of the injurious history of the clinic itself. Sixteen of the twenty-four … Click Here to Read More

Communist Democrats Love Abortion because of $$$$

That and they get power and favor from Lucifer for their Rabid support and Sacrifice!! Planned Parenthood donating $38 MILLION to 2020 Democrat candidates S.D. Wells | Evil News – Seems there are millions of dollars just laying around, folks, made “available” for Planned Parenthood to give away to anyone who supports executing live birth babies on the day they’re … Click Here to Read More

Death Cult Leader Pelosi on Trump’s call for Ban of Late Term Abortions: “Sad Thing”!

Nasty Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump’s Request To Ban Late-Term Abortion ‘Really Quite A Sad Thing’ Kerry Picket –  House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responded Wednesday to President Donald Trump’s call for legislation to ban late-term abortion by saying it’s a “sad thing.” “It’s really quite a sad thing when you know that we’ll be talking about something that applies to the … Click Here to Read More