Almost a Quarter of DEMOCRATS Believe MEN Can GET Pregnant

A poll conducted by WPA Intelligence has found that almost one quarter of Democratic voters believe that “some men can become pregnant.” Twenty-two percent of Democrats overall agreed with the statement. WPA Intelligence poll: Now you are going to read some statements that are commonly shared. Please indicate whether you believe that statement to be True or False. "SOME MEN CAN … Click Here to Read More

Democrat Platform: Abortion, BLM, LGBTQPXYZ Unleashes the Power of Women!

Nancy Pelosi gushed over the fact that the Communist Democrats were so diverse with Illegal Aliens, Homosexuals, Lesbians, Tranny’s and the rest of the LGBTQPXYZ crowd!  She also Praised Democrats for being champions of abortion during her rehearsed DNC speech. With all of that Abomination, that is what will send all of them to HELL! Micaiah Bilger | Life News … Click Here to Read More

Draft DNC Platform Declares White Americans Too Rich, Too Privileged, and Too Evil

The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions ‘whites’ a total of 15 times The Democrat National Committee draft platform for its 2020 convention mentions “whites” a total of 15 times, each of them within a “damning” context — a detail first noticed by the Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard. “In more than 80 pages in the draft … Click Here to Read More