Almost a Quarter of DEMOCRATS Believe MEN Can GET Pregnant

A poll conducted by WPA Intelligence has found that almost one quarter of Democratic voters believe that “some men can become pregnant.” Twenty-two percent of Democrats overall agreed with the statement. WPA Intelligence poll: Now you are going to read some statements that are commonly shared. Please indicate whether you believe that statement to be True or False. "SOME MEN CAN … Click Here to Read More

Ignorance Gone To Seed

What does Farming and Weeds have to do with Religion, the Fake News Outlets, the Clowns in Government? Well stick around and you will find out!! Back in the mid 2000’s I used to listen to Derry Brownfield (passed away in 2011) on Short-wave radio. He was a farmer and host of the show “The Common Sense Coalition”.  Derry, being … Click Here to Read More

Business Photos of Black Owners Yanked

Rev. Austin Miles – This empty-headed race war, choreographed by Democrat Communists to weaken America, has now passed the mark of ridiculousness. The packaging of Aunt Jemima’s Pancake mix has just been ordered changed, to redo ads that has a photo of the black founder, since, now listen carefully, this is a dangerous stereotype of black folk. That photo has … Click Here to Read More