Nasty Nancy Pelosi Says We Must Save the Planet for Children

What about all of those CHILDREN that will NEVER SEE the Planet because YOU help MURDER them through ABORTION! How about that you Luciferian Jezebel Harlot? Nasty Nancy Pelosi: ‘I’m Catholic. I Come from a Pro-Life Family’ – You have to laugh at this one!   CNS News – In a “Dear Colleague” letter she sent on Monday, House Speaker … Click Here to Read More

Political Prophetess Warns: Climate Change turns Women into Harlots?

Lefty lawmaker warns: Climate change makes Women Prostitutes Without food, they’ll do anything to survive! That is according to Barbara Lee, Democrat Rep of California.  I am so glad this fine upstanding Jezebel of a woman has let us know the root of Prostitution. The cause has eluded mankind for centuries!  Now the John’s can give them food instead of … Click Here to Read More

Michael Snyder asks a Question and there is the Simple Answer

What Is Causing Extremely Bizarre Weather Patterns To Hammer The Middle Of The U.S. Over And Over Again? ANSWER: GOD IS REACTING TO THE INIQUITY OF A WICKED NATION! Psalms 148:8 “Fire, and hail; snow, and vapour; stormy wind fulfilling his word:” Luke 21:25-26 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; … Click Here to Read More

Earth Changes Accelerate and it is NOT because of Animal Flatulation or Human Consumption of God’s Natural Resources

What Is Causing These Record Heatwaves, Massive “Firenadoes”, Giant Dust Storms And Large Earthquakes? Luke 21:25-25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things … Click Here to Read More

U.N. Harlot calls for ‘Ark’ to Save World from Global Warming

NO, the World needs to turn to Jesus who will SAVE them from their SINS!  Matthew 1:21 “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.”  My first thought when I saw the headline, at WND, was this Luciferian fool has not read the Bible. Then … Click Here to Read More

January 2018 Earth Watch

There are many instances in the Bible that show God directs what can and what can’t happen on earth.  He also allows Lucifer to have a minimal control of earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, Tsunamis as a way to get peoples attention. Sadly, people are NOT heeding the signs and are continuing in their Wicked Ways! 199-MPH Sierra wind gust sets … Click Here to Read More

Earth Day

Earth Day – Climate Change – Agenda 21 and now Agenda 2030 ….. The Luciferian plan Here is a bit of wonderful news! Earth Day Co-Founder Killed, Composted His Girlfriend Here’s an inconvenient truth about a self-described co-founder of Earth Day: he murdered and composted his girlfriend. Environmental activist and self-proclaimed Earth Day co-founder Ira Einhorn had a dark side. Einhorn … Click Here to Read More