Sex Ed Camp for Children Run By Pedophiles

Sexual Pervert Pedophiles in Indiana to Run Summer Molestation Camp in June 2022 Pedophile Activists Host ‘Non-Binary’ Sex Ed Summer Camp for 8 Year Olds Sean Adl-Tabatabai | News Punch – A liberal summer camp in Indianapolis, Indiana, devoted to sex demonstrations for third-grade children is being organized by a group of pedophile activists who want to teach minors about … Click Here to Read More

Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah: The Queer Flag will be Flown at All U.S. Embassies around the World

By doing so, they have placed the Sexual Perverts on a pedestal, and made them as Idols to be worshiped! The last thing that happens before God destroys a City, State, or Country, is rampant sexual perversion. Read the Book! America has become the Modern Day Sodom and Gomorrah! Just try to watch TV these days. Commercials, and even kids … Click Here to Read More

Researchers Find That Homosexuals Are More Likely to Get Dementia

People who KNOW what the Word of God says do NOT need a shrink to tell us what we already know. They have Reprobate Minds! ‘The prevalence of cognitive impairment is significantly higher among sexual minority older adults than among heterosexual older adults.’ Reprobate: A morally unprincipled person. One who is predestined to damnation. Morally unprincipled; shameless. Romans 1:22-32 “Professing … Click Here to Read More

Another Sodomite with ACCESS to YOUR Child’s Mind comes out of the Pervert Closet!

And the sad thing is, he will be allowed to contaminate and indoctrinate innocent minds! Turner said that he will continue to write children’s books, the latest of which include the aforementioned “When God Made You”, “When God Made Light”, “When I Pray for You” and “When God Made the World” This Sodomite knows NOTHING of the True God of … Click Here to Read More

Sodomites in the Fold of the Mormon Church

Father of Elizabeth Smart Says He’s Gay, Leaving the Mormon Church In a private message to family and friend, Ed Smart – father of Elizabeth Smart – announced that he was a homosexual and was leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. In 2002, Elizabeth Smart was kidnapped from her Utah home. Miraculously found nine months later, having … Click Here to Read More

LGBTQPXYZ News: July 24, 2019

Ex-‘ Drag Queen’ shares his story – what that lifestyle is really like Freed from bondage by Christ. He is now head of the MassResistance Dallas chapter helping parents and families fight back! Ex- Drag Queen shares his story! (3 min 46 sec) What sort of people are these “Drag Queens,” who are brought in by public library officials to … Click Here to Read More

World’s Leading Gay Biblical Theologian Defends Pete Buttigieg!

Democrats Have Ensured God’s Judgement Upon Our Country With Their Push To Turn America Into The Modern Day Sodom And Gomorrah By Don Boys, Ph.D. – All News Pipeline – Radical homosexuals, with missionary zeal, declare that David and Jonathan were lovers but the LGBTQ crowd must twist the Bible and common sense like a pretzel to spin their myth … Click Here to Read More

What IF Adam Said?

I choose to Rebel, Don’t tell Me what to do—or who to be! In Essence that is exactly what HE and Eve did say! Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 8:13 “The fear of the LORD is to hate evil: pride, and arrogancy, and the evil way, and the froward mouth, do … Click Here to Read More

Jesus Cures the the Curse of Homosexuality

Young Man Tweets for Pride Month: ‘Jesus Brought Me Out of Homosexuality’ A young man who has been saved for two years recently generated a firestorm on Twitter after he posted with the hashtag #PrideMonth that Jesus had delivered him from homosexuality and urged readers not to let the world cheat them out of the gift of salvation through Christ … Click Here to Read More