Pastor of the Church of the Healthy Self to plead guilty to more than $33 million fraud!

Looks like he had the “Self” part down pretty good! Scum like this is what gives Christianity a black eye. This is NOT True Biblical Christianity Folks and is NOT a church. It, and those like it, are Synagogues of Satan! The pastor of a Westminster-based church accused of swindling more than $33 million from investors has agreed to plead … Click Here to Read More

Apostasy: The Falling Away Continues in the SBC

The Baptists believe in eternal security and salvation. That means that once you get saved, no matter what you do, you will go to heaven! That folks is a lie straight from the pit of Hell. It is true that if you commit sin and ask the Lord to forgive you, he will. 1st John 1:8-10 “If we say that … Click Here to Read More

Predominate Jew’s who are of the Synagogue of Satan

There are a FEW EVIL people in ALL of the Races and Religions on God’s Earth! That does NOT mean that ALL of the people of that Race or Religion are Evil. It is Greed and the Lust for Power that is the driving force behind the wicked! Harold Rosenthal “We are god’s chosen people . . . Most Jews … Click Here to Read More

Santa Fe Texas School Killer is Greek Orthodox and Danced a Jig!

He participated “in a choreographed dance for his Greek Orthodox church the weekend before” he Murdered Ten at the School he attended! Update 2/12/22 – The demon possessed killer is being held for another year in a mental institution deemed unfit to stand trial! What he and the others are doing is “Dancing for and with the Devil”, instead of … Click Here to Read More

Episcopal Church Eliminates Words Husband, Wife and Procreation from Marriage Ceremonies

The Goal is to make it more compliant (or to make the phrasing more compliant, or to make the ceremony more compliant) Are they bending knee to Lucifer as have the Boy Scouts and all other organizations who are bowing down to the New Baal’s, The New Moloch’s of the day? A very BIG YES is the answer! They are … Click Here to Read More