Grace Episcopal Church in New York City Holds Sexual Pervert Show for Students

Video Shows a New York City Church Holding a Drag Show  You can bet this Faux Church leadership is filled with UN-Saved Sexual Perverts, and Ichabod is written over the door! What Circle of Hell is This? Video captures sacrilegious LGBTQPXYZ event held at Episcopalian church in downtown Manhattan.  Footage of the April 27 event which took place in downtown … Click Here to Read More

Episcopal Church Hosts Summer Camp to Train Grade School Kids to Be Antifa Activists

To preface the article below, you must know what the Episcopal Church is. It IS a spin off of Roman Catholicism. Got Questions – The Episcopal Church, USA (ECUSA) is the official organization of the Anglican Communion in the United States. Most of the earliest Colonists to America were Anglican Puritans, and the Anglican Church became the established church of … Click Here to Read More

Apostate and Blasphemous Episcopal Church: Is God Male or Gender-Neutral?

Genesis 1:26-27 “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27 So God created man in his own … Click Here to Read More

Episcopal Church Eliminates Words Husband, Wife and Procreation from Marriage Ceremonies

The Goal is to make it more compliant (or to make the phrasing more compliant, or to make the ceremony more compliant) Are they bending knee to Lucifer as have the Boy Scouts and all other organizations who are bowing down to the New Baal’s, The New Moloch’s of the day? A very BIG YES is the answer! They are … Click Here to Read More