Anti-Semitism on the Rise: True News, a So-Called Christian Network, Calls on Believers to Repent for Standing with Israel

Boy will I get a lot of Flack on this one! However—Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” I used to be a follower of TruNews and Rick Wiles many many years ago until I started noticing a change. They were many red flags that popped up, so I quit listening and supporting … Click Here to Read More

Predominate Jew’s who are of the Synagogue of Satan

There are a FEW EVIL people in ALL of the Races and Religions on God’s Earth! That does NOT mean that ALL of the people of that Race or Religion are Evil. It is Greed and the Lust for Power that is the driving force behind the wicked! Harold Rosenthal “We are god’s chosen people . . . Most Jews … Click Here to Read More