Anti-Semitism on the Rise: True News, a So-Called Christian Network, Calls on Believers to Repent for Standing with Israel

Boy will I get a lot of Flack on this one! However—Galatians 4:16 “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” I used to be a follower of TruNews and Rick Wiles many many years ago until I started noticing a change. They were many red flags that popped up, so I quit listening and supporting … Click Here to Read More

Archbishop of Canterbury Declares God Gender Neutral

“Church leaders called for the revisions to correct the “overwhelming use of masculine language” which they believe to be a “barrier to evangelizing young people,” according to Fox News.” No, what they mean is they want to evangelize the LGBTQPXYZ crowd and bring them into the fold, just as the Catholic Church did with the Pagans long ago by adapting … Click Here to Read More