New Harvest Christian Fellowship Church Forced to Move from California Town because they Don’t Fit In!

Figures it would be in the Sodomy State!! The city of Salinas to force out church for not attracting tourists © press Pippa Monroe | Neon Nettle – The city of Salinas, won the case after a northern California U.S. District Court ruled in their favor. An evangelical Christian church in the city of Salinas, California, is being forced to sell … Click Here to Read More

Who Am I ?

I have titled this  “Who am I?” I have no idea who wrote this as it is being shared on Fascist Book with a note to copy and share. I have added to it, so it is not in it’s original form. As you read this, you best examine just who you are also! There is a music video at … Click Here to Read More

Judge: Father “will teach his Children that Homosexuals should be put to Death”

Fundamentalist Baptist father told not to teach hateful beliefs to children Jason Proctor | CBC News – A B.C. judge says a fundamentalist Baptist father who believes homosexuals should be executed shouldn’t have any say in the religious upbringing of his children. But she said she feared his three young children — who live with their mother, AJH — would become social … Click Here to Read More

Christianophobia is on the Rise

They have a name, a Phobia, for everything! What in the world is Christianophobia It means “fear of Christians” but I don’t think that is the problem. It is really a fear of the Truth. The truth being those who hate and persecute Christians have a fear of Jesus Christ because, deep down, they KNOW he is King of kings … Click Here to Read More