Ashland Ohio Mayor Dedicates City to the Lord Jesus Christ

If President Trump would do the same, God will Hear the Prayer, and Heal the Land!

2nd Chronicles 7:14-15 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 15 Now mine eyes shall be open, and mine ears attent unto the prayer that is made in this place.”

Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

Ashland’s Mayor Dedicates City to the Lord Jesus Christ during a Sacred Assembly to Seek God’s Presence

“GOD is doing a new thing that will affect the generations yet to come. GOD is making a way in the wilderness where there seems to be no way. He is raising up a faithful remnant in our community.” -Pastor McNeely

(Ashland, OH) — [] This past weekend Bible Believers were in hot pursuit of GOD’s presence with clergy, ministry leaders, and elected officials leading a corporate call to prayer and repentance. (Image: via Frontlines Ohio)

In the midst of a pandemic and national social unrest, a collaboration of twenty-five churches associated with the local Ashland County Ministerial Association (ACMA) braved August heat asking forgiveness from GOD during a sacred assembly. Consequently, one clergyman believes the community is getting a glimpse of the Almighty’s storehouse of blessings.

Over seven hundred came to Freer Field for a sacred assembly on a balmy August Sunday afternoon.

“There is a sense that GOD is doing many great things,” says Pastor David McNeely of New Life Community Church. “GOD is re-writing the history of Ashland. I believe with all my heart there will be a great harvest by what has been prayed for here tonight. We are beginning to see the activity and orchestration of GOD.”

“I ask on behalf of the Commissioners and all the county officials that you would forgive us for the rebellion of the people of our land. We have all sinned,” said County Commissioner Emmitt Justice at the assembly.

One of the assembly speakers shared about a group of state lawmakers who [held a] Bible study before casting their vote at the Statehouse. State Rep. Darrell Kick also admitted the district he represents has a unique reputation among his circle of legislators.

Ashland Mayor Matt Miller [said] at [the] assembly, “As I stand before you tonight, in the bright light of His Son, to the extent I am able, I give this City of Ashland to the LORD Jesus Christ. May this be a land where He rules supreme. May this be a land where His love is genuinely felt by Believers and non Believers alike.” (Image: via Frontlines Ohio)

“There is the perception that Ashland is a GOD-fearing county. As an elected official, I have noticed over the past couple of years there has been spiritual renewal in this area. After what I saw today, I am not aware of another district where the Mayor commits the city to Jesus Christ and a County Commissioner asks forgiveness for the sins of the county.”

During the assembly, Mayor Matt Miller stated he believed GOD’s mercy has shielded the community from COVID-19. Ashland County has posted minimal cases in the course of the pandemic.

“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD … I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history,” the Mayor said.

Several other community leaders facilitated prayer segments throughout the meeting.

Dr. Carlos Campos, President of Ashland University and Theological Seminary asked the crowd to pray for college campuses. “Join me to repent where universities across this country have failed to follow their mission to pursue truth to its final end which can lead to only one thing: the embodiment of truth, and that is Jesus Christ.”

“The heart of this city (Ashland) is seeking GOD … I believe with all my heart that is why GOD has protected and blessed the City of Ashland during one of the most tumultuous times in my lifetime and the city’s history.”

Joel Penton, the Executive Director of Lifewise Academy prayed for the public schools during the gathering. Penton is partnering with ACMA to bring Bible education to all five public schools districts in Ashland County.

“For over two generations the Bible has been removed from the nation’s education system and now the country is reaping the harvest,” Penton said. “However, an Ohio law passed in 2014 allows high school students to receive school credits for Bible classes. In fact, Van Wert, Ohio has ninety-five percent of their elementary public school students taught from the Bible every week. It is tranforming the next generation.” (Image: via Frontlines Ohio)

Amanda Nichols, Executive Director of Project One shared a vivd testimony of the tranformational power of prayer delivering her husband from drug addiction. “It is only by the grace of GOD and His Word that my husband has been clean for eleven years.”

“GOD is doing a new thing that will affect the generations yet to come,” says Pastor McNeely. “GOD is making a way in the wilderness where there seems to be no way. He is raising up a faithful remnant in our community.” Source: Breaking Christian News

Click here to watch a 1+ hour video of the sacred assembly on Fascist Book.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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