LGBTQPXYZ News: December 29, 2018

Tranny goes Berserk in Store after Clerk calls HIM Sir!

Paul Watson – A transgender went nuts in a store because an employee “misgendered” him by calling the biological man “sir” in a confrontation that was caught on video.The clip shows the transgender demanding his “fucking money back” before a woman off camera refers to the individual as a “young man”.

“Excuse me, it’s ma’am, it is ma’am,” barks the transgender before the woman threatens to call the police.

The transgender then accuses the store clerk of calling him “sir,” despite this not being heard on the video until the clerk does subsequently refer to the biological male as “sir”.  See the rest and Video here

11-Year-Old Boy Dances On Stage For Money At Adult Gay Bar

Video footage has emerged of an 11-year-old boy dancing in a sexually provocative manner at a New York gay bar while grown men shower him with dollar bills.

“Drag Kid” Desmond headlined at a sleazy event called Club Woah! hosted by the 3 Dollar Bill gay bar in Brooklyn on Dec. 1.

Men who wished to watch the half naked child dance were able to buy tickets on an Eventbright page in which the venue described itself as “queer owned & operated we foster a safe space from love.”

In disturbing video footage posted to social media, the kid can be seen dressed as a Gwen Stefani-lookalike — full drag makeup, a blonde wig, and a female crop top — as he danced to the song “Like a Girl” by No Doubt.  Read more here

Barbie Doll Producer Mattel to Meet With Homosexual Men to Discuss Creating Same-Sex ‘Wedding’ Set

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. — Toymaker Mattel, the producers of the Barbie and Ken dolls, has reportedly scheduled a meeting to enter into talks with two homosexual men who want the company to create same-sex “wedding” dolls in order to be inclusive of children who have homosexual family members.

Matt Jacobi tagged Mattel in a recent Instagram post outlining that he plans to “wed” a man in May, and wanted to buy a gift for his niece to mark the occasion. He said that because Mattel doesn’t make a Barbie wedding set with two grooms, he “had to get creative” and buy another Ken to replace the Barbie in the box.

“We had a difficult time finding a same sex wedding set to give to my niece for her 8th birthday. She and her little sister are flower girls in our upcoming May wedding. We thought it would be special to give her something with a little meaning behind it. What a bummer you don’t make one with two grooms,” Jacobi wrote.

“Anyway, we had to get creative and make a couple purchases. I hope our custom gift inspires you to make a #GayWedding set!” he said.

According to Jacobi, Mattel reached out to Jacobi, and has now set up a meeting in Los Angeles next month to discuss with the design team the makings of a same-sex “wedding” set.

“We just want every family to be reflected within the toys,” Jacobi’s partner, Nick Caprio, told reporters. “They’re a big part of our culture, and it’s something that if kids are always exposed to this and they can see their own family, it gets rid of the question of ‘what is this,’ and this explanation and long story you have to go through, because it’s something that will just be what it is, and it’s just people that are in love.”

Reaction to the news has been mixed.

“Yeeees! I totally love this! I’m a gay man too, and Barbie was my favorite toy! I always made Ken [expletive meaning to have sex] with Action Man,” one commenter wrote. “It’s [a] sad thing that we waited almost 30 years for a Merman Ken. I hope that we won’t have to wait another 30 to have same-sex coupled dolls.”

Another commenter vowed, “I will never purchase Mattel again. Why push this adult decision on children? The world is confusing enough. God is not pleased with us. I pray your revenues show this.” Read more here

Tranny  booted from women’s football team wins suit

‘I don’t know what could have given me away’ the Pervert said!

(Minneapolis Star-Tribune) Christina Ginther, a transgender woman, had long been an athlete looking for a supportive social group.

She thought she had found it in the fall of 2016 with the Minnesota Vixen football team, then part of the Independent Women’s Football League (IWFL). Team members welcomed her and cheered her on during an open practice before tryouts.

“I thought, ‘This is it,’ ” she said Friday. “I found my home.”

But when the team’s owner discovered that Ginther was transgender, the team yanked the welcome mat. Read the full story here

Activists Queers Suggest The Next James Bond Should Be TRANSGENDER

What not? They regenerated Dr. WHO into a woman, who really sucks by the way!

Activists — including high-profile British actor Dominic West — are encouraging the producers of the popular James Bond franchise to abandon 007’s traditional roots and cast a transgender individual as the next Bond.

Speaking to the Sunday Times of London, West claimed that there are enough transgender individuals in the UK’s military to justify making the next MI6 agent male-to-female (or female-to-male).

“They should have a transgender Bond because there are a lot of transgender people in the army. That’s actually a brilliant idea,” West said.

He even had a suggestion: Hannah Graf, whom the Independent says is the “highest-ranking transgender soldier in the British army.”

Graf is married to another transgender individual, Jake Graf. Both have appeared in film.

She thought the idea was great, telling British media that, “I don’t think I’m going to become an actress anytime soon, but there’s no reason why there shouldn’t be a transgender Bond. We’ve seen too many men in hero-type roles and women playing second fiddle.” Read more here

Apple Bans Pro-Traditional Marriage App After Campaign From LGBT Group

Mark down another loss for religious liberty Thursday, not at the hands of government, but rather at the hands of the Palo Alto Mafia.

“Living Hope Ministries (LHM) has had its app for about three years, but the program was pulled by Apple just a day after Truth Wins Out, a group opposing conversion therapy, pushed to have it removed,” according to NBC5.

The ministry’s app was accused of supporting gay conversion therapy – a claim which cannot be verified now that the app is offline. But LHM’s website does not seem out of the ordinary for a conservative Christian organization.

“Living Hope Ministries is a non-profit, non-denominational, 501(c)3 organization whose mission is to proclaim God’s truth as we journey with those who are seeking sexual and relational wholeness through a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ,” it says. Read more here

Historic all-girls college is now accepting men if they identify as female

Gee I wonder what could possibly go wrong with that?

America’s second oldest women-only college has announced it will begin accepting admission applications from transgender candidates, explaining that the school has “expanded its definition of womanhood.”

In a statement, Stephens College in Columbia, Missouri, announced that it will be admitting male students who identify as women — but will exclude trans men — beginning in the fall of 2019.

The college’s new policy says, “The college’s undergraduate residential women’s program will continue to admit and enroll students who are women and who live as women, just as it always has. It will also admit and enroll students who were not born female, but who identify and live as women; those students will need to provide legal documentation that they are legally women or that they are transitioning to female.”

“Because the college has expanded its definition of womanhood to include both sex and gender, it is logically consistent that it also acknowledges both sex and gender in its definition of manhood. As a result, the college will stop admitting and enrolling students who were born female but who now identify as men or who are transitioning from female to male.” Read more here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!