Planned Parenthood Teaching Teens S&M Sex: Gagging, Whipping and Asphyxiation

LifeSite News  June 2014 –  A shocking new video Live Action released today catches the Planned Parenthood abortion business teaching teenagers about S&M-based sexual relationships and concepts such as gagging, whipping and asphyxiation.

In a series of undercover audits, Live Action investigators documented Planned Parenthood counselors and nurses advising our investigators, who the Planned Parenthood staffers thought were minors, on how to practice torture sex.

In the videos, Planned Parenthood counselors encourage undercover investigators posting as 15 and 16-year-old teens, to engage in the sadomasochistic practices, telling the underage teens “if it’s consensual, it’s OK… it’s totally OK.”

“What we’re about to release shows a systemic, institutional problem in America’s largest abortion corporation,” Lila Rose, Live Action’s president, stated. “It’s not a matter of ‘don’t judge,’ but rather explicit endorsement of violent and harmful sexual practices to boys and girls as young as fifteen years old.”

A shocking new video Live Action released today catches the Planned Parenthood abortion business teaching teenagers about S&M-based sexual relationships and concepts such as gagging, whipping and asphyxiation.

In a series of undercover audits, Live Action investigators documented Planned Parenthood counselors and nurses advising our investigators, who the Planned Parenthood staffers thought were minors, on how to practice torture sex.

In the videos, Planned Parenthood counselors encourage undercover investigators posting as 15 and 16-year-old teens, to engage in the sadomasochistic practices, telling the underage teens “if it’s consensual, it’s OK… it’s totally OK.”

“What we’re about to release shows a systemic, institutional problem in America’s largest abortion corporation,” Lila Rose, Live Action’s president, stated. “It’s not a matter of ‘don’t judge,’ but rather explicit endorsement of violent and harmful sexual practices to boys and girls as young as fifteen years old.”

The following is the trailer video previewing the series of expose’ videos that are forthcoming:

Planned Parenthood of Hudson Peconic sponsored a training seminar, designed for educators of teenagers, titled “50 Shades of Safe.” The seminar offered workshops/classes on “how a BDSM relationship is successfully navigated between sexual partners” and on the “elements of a healthy BDSM relationship.”

The official Planned Parenthood website lists BD (bondage and discipline) and SM (sadomasochism) under its Sex & Sexuality – “Understanding Sexual Activity — at a Glance” page without any warnings or safety objections: “Here are plannedparenthood73some examples of less common sexual behaviors: SM (sadomasochism) — the use of domination and/or pain for sexual arousal. BD (bondage and discipline) — sexual role play that includes elements of SM.”

Planned Parenthood receives over $500 million a year from taxpayers, in the name of so-called sex education and health. Furthermore, under ObamaCare, Planned Parenthood has announced that it will receive undisclosed funds through the $75-million-a-year PREP (Personal Responsibility and Education Program), with 15 affiliates already having received grants.

Planned Parenthood’s stance on what kind of sexual activity is good or not: “Just because a sexual behavior isn’t common or some people disapprove of it or the reasons people enjoy it, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with it. Many people enjoy less common kinds of sex, but they are often less likely to discuss it with others. One way to think about uncommon kinds of sex is this: if no one is hurt by the kind of sex someone might enjoy, than [sic] it is probably okay.”

Planned Parenthood equates unrestricted sexual activity with “freedom, equality and dignity” according to their “Declaration of Sexual Rights.” Abortions and hormone drugs are listed as entitlements that contribute to “the freedom, equality and dignity of all people” – including teens and children.

Planned Parenthood covers up the sexual abuse of young girls by offering them clandestine sexual and reproductive health care, including abortions, and coaching these young ladies on how to keep the activity secret from their parents.

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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