Police invite Muslim mob to beat Christian “blasphemers” in Pakistan

Jihad Watch – “Rather bizarrely members of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYR) who led a riot and called for extra-judicial murder of the the two cousins and other Muslim religious bodies, were also present at the FIA building during the time of the investigation. They had apparently been asked to attend the police station at the same time as the Christian suspects to give their statements. Reports have been received by the BPCA that members of the Muslim group began beating the two Christian men before the police, spitting at them, punching and kicking the two young men till police decided to intervene before the men passed out.”

There is no justice for non-Muslims in Pakistan: the police share the beliefs and assumptions of the Muslim mobs that are so anxious to victimize Infidels. But the UN is too busy hunting for incidents of “Islamophobia” to take any notice.

“Suspect from Shahdara blasphemy case in critical condition after mysterious fall,” by Wilson Chowdhry, British Pakistani Christian Association, February 23, 2018 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A man suspected to have been involved in the Shahdara blasphemy case, which erupted earlier this week is fighting for his life after allegedly having “fallen off” the fourth floor of the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) Punjab headquarters building, during an investigation.

Patras Masih surrendered himself to lawmen after he had been accused of posting blasphemous images on his Facebook page, resulting in a mob of over 3000 Muslims demanding his death as they gathered near his home. Local mosques were [sic] Later Patras Masih’s cousin Sajid Masih was also arrested after also being implicated by Muslim witnesses. Patras and Sajib both deny the charges (click here).

After petrol was gathered to burn Christian homes down, thousands of Christians fled their homes for safety with relatives and friends (click here).

Local Police from Shahdara today transferred custody of Patras Masih (17 yrs) the primary suspect of the latest blasphemy allegation laid against a Christian, and his cousin Sajid Masih (24 yrs), to the FIA’s cybercrime wing on Friday afternoon for interrogation.

Rather bizarrely members of Tehreek-e-Labbaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLYR) who led a riot and called for extra-judicial murder of the the two cousins and other Muslim religious bodies, were also present at the FIA building during the time of the investigation. They had apparently been asked to attend the police station at the same time as the Christian suspects to give their statements.

Reports have been received by the BPCA that members of the Muslim group began beating the two Christian men before the police, spitting at them, punching and kicking the two young men till police decided to intervene before the men passed out.

The solicitor for the two men had asked for the Police to protect the two men whilst leaving the FIA Cybercrime Wing, however, only hours later at 6pm (1pm GMT) a call was received detailing the death of Sajid Masih who was said to have leaped from the fourth floor building, whilst trying to escape.

Sajid Masih was placed into an emergency vehicle and rushed to Ganga Ram Hospital in Lahore.  There he was said to be in critical condition with severe woulds to his head and body and was given emergency treatment.

The nature of the head injuries was beyond the capacity of Ganga Ram Hospital and Sajid Masih was transferred to Lahore Hospital where he arrived close to 8.20pm (3.20pm GMT).

It is not believed that Sajid  Masih will survive from his wounds and Christians across the globe are being asked to pray for a miracle….

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
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