Apostate Andy Stanley Possessed by Spirit of Judas?

Says Ten Commandments don’t apply to Christians ALL but one of the Ten Commandments still apply. They are the Moral Laws given by God himself. The only one that does not apply is keeping of the SATURDAY Sabbath. The Levitical Law and all of the feast days should NOT be observed by a True Christian. The Levitical Laws are man-made … Click Here to Read More

God’s Commandments for Today

So Let it be Written, So let it be done! Cynthia Pawl April 9, 2017 One of my favorite lines from arguably the best movie every made, Cecil B DeMile’s Ten Commandments. When the Holy season arrives each year, watching this movie is one thing I love to do to celebrate and remember. The Ten Commandments is a beautifully made, … Click Here to Read More