Sky And Water Turning BLOOD RED As We Get Closer To The Great Tribulation

Skies and Rivers Turning Red Around The World As Biblical End Times Prophecy Fulfilled Revelation 16:4 “And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.”  Report by Baxter Dmitry | News Punch   Reports of skies, rivers, rain and bodies of water turning red across the world have shocked Biblical … Click Here to Read More

In These Last of the Last Days Perilous Times Are Here

You don’t believe it? Well take off those rose colored glasses or get your head out of the sand. Take a good long look at this Scripture and compare each word description to what you see happening in the News, and perhaps in your circle of family and friends! 2nd Timothy 3:1–5 “this know also, that in the last days … Click Here to Read More

The Elite are Building Remote Doomsday Mansions

Peter Thiel invests in luxury bunker. Billionaires are buying high tech bunkers in places far away from large population centers. What could they possibly be getting ready for? “Wealthy folks are beginning to understand: they don’t want to be the last ones sticking around when the party ends in the US.”