Homeless Muslim from UGANDA arrested for threatening to Kill all Christians.

Is this one of Obama’s and Hillary’s Refugees they brought in?

NY Daily NewsA homeless man shouting “Allahu akbar” busted a Midtown church’s door with a wrench and threatened to return and shoot all Christians, police sources said Wednesday.

The drama began when Noel Droni asked a 37-year-old homeless man outside the interdenominational Times Square Church, on W. 51st St., if he was a Christian on Monday, cops said. When the man told Droni he was Christian, Droni allegedly pulled a red wrench from his backpack and smashed the church’s glass door.

He yelled “Allahu akbar,” Arabic for “God is great,” and then vowed violence, police said.

“I am going to blow up the church and come back and kill any Christians,” he said, according to court papers. Read the rest here.

They do not tell you in the article that the “homeless man” is a Black Muslim from UGANDA. I had to do some searching and here is a screen shot of his arrest record. Could not find a mugshot.

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