Biblically Ignorant Pot Heads try to attribute the Miracles and Healings of Jesus to Cannabis Oil!

I wonder if this Idiocy got started here: Rastafarianism Pot Church: Where Marijuana is the Sacrament!

Listen up Stoners. There is NO scripture in the Bible that speaks of Cannabis, or that would remotely indicates that Jesus anointed anyone with oil. Yes, the disciples did and the Bible says to Call on the elders of the church to do so.

Even thought there IS medical proof that cannabis oil does help and cure, it was NOT used by Jesus or the Disciples. Quit trying to Justify Drug use the way Drunkards do with Wine in the Scripture. Biblical Ignorance is no excuse for you SIN!

The oils of the Bible, both Old and New Testaments were NOT Cannabis! See a list and scripture that SUPPORTS the oils after this bit of Idiocy!

Jesus used cannabis oil to perform ‘miracles’

JESUS used cannabis and was an early champion of its medicinal properties, a growing consensus of experts agree.

And acceptance of this theory could help promote the controversial drug’s use in treating a range of illnesses.

Cannabis historian, author and journalist David Bienenstock is one who believes cannabis oil even explains the “miracles” attributed to Jesus.

Speaking exclusively to Daily Star Online, he said: “Historical records show that cannabis was widely available at the time – they would’ve known how to grow it and exploit its medicinal properties.

“There is nothing different in the efficacious cannabis oil used today that wouldn’t have been available to people in Jesus’ time – it’s simply a matter of concentrating the cannabis into the oil and absorbing it through the skin.”

Scholars even point to a cannabis oil recipe in Exodus 30: 22-25: “Take also for yourself the finest of spices: of flowing myrrh five hundred shekels, and of fragrant cinnamon half as much, two hundred and fifty, and of fragrant cane two hundred and fifty … it shall be a holy anointing oil.”

Anointing is understood to mean to ceremonially confer divinity by smearing or rubbing with oil.

American Orthodox rabbi and scholar Aryeh Kaplan noted: “On the basis of cognate pronunciation and Septuagint readings, some identify Keneh bosem with the English and Greek cannabis, the hemp plant.”

Although other authorities identify the “fragrant cane” with cinnamon bark, Polish anthropologist Sula Benet argues that equating Keneh Bosem with sweet cane could be traced to a mistranslation in the Septuagint (the earliest Old Testament translation), which mistook Keneh Bosem, later referred to as “cannabos” in the Talmud (Judaism’s Oral Torah), as “kalabos”, a common Egyptian marsh cane plant.

Carl Ruck, professor of classical mythology at Boston University, agrees: “There can be little doubt about a role for cannabis in Judaic religion.”

Referring to the existence of cannabis in anointing oils used in ceremonies, he adds: “Obviously the easy availability and long-established tradition of cannabis in early Judaism would inevitably have included it in the [Christian] mixtures.”

And there are even passages in the Bible where Jesus’ treatment of the sick tallies with modern accounts of cannabis oil treating epilepsy.

Mark 6:13, for example states: “They cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick and healed them.”

As David Bienenstock points out: “Someone of the religious mindset from that time, not understanding the scientific underpinning of how or why it works, would be likely to view that as a miracle.”

Mark 6:13 does appear to mirror the reportedly phenomenal response epileptics have had to the drug in modern trials.

Assuming the oil described in Exodus did in fact contain high levels of cannabis, the effective dose of the plant’s medicinal compounds would certainly be potent enough to explain many of the healing miracles attributed to Jesus, as marijuana has been shown to be an effective treatment for everything from skin diseases and glaucoma to neurodegenerative conditions and multiple sclerosis. Source: Daily Star

There are always Clowns trying to defame Jesus and the Bible

12 Healing Oils of the Bible  By Dr. Eric Z

1. Aloes

Wondering why the cactus-like plant is here? Merriam-Webster has a similar thought, by highlighting aloe first as the tropical plant with a healing gel. But then, the bigger picture emerges: plural : the fragrant wood of an East Indian tree (Aquilaria agallocha) of the mezereon family When the Bible refers to aloes, it’s the aromatic extract (or mash) of a tree’s heartwood, used for healing and especially embalming. Old English borrowed the word, then applied it to the spiky plant we know now. The Bible lists aloe(s) as:

  • A symbol of abundance and provision (Numbers 24:6)
  • A perfume (Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17)
  • An incense (Song of Solomon 4:14)
  • Burial ointment for Christ (John 19:39)

While some claim that aloes or aloewood are the same as sandalwood, the direct connection – A. agallocha – has a powerful healing oil component itself. Used as an incense and cosmetic oil, aloewood (or eaglewood or agarwood) is known for its benefits as a stimulant and cardiac tonic and can even have some digestive wellness benefits, too!

2. Cassia

Unlike the herb senna, whose proper name begins with Cassia, the cassia of the Bible resembled our cinnamon more than anything. According to an etymology breakdown by BibleHub online, cassia is likely “the inner bark of Cinnamomum cassia, a plant growing in eastern Asia closely allied to that which yields the cinnamon of commerce. It is a fragrant, aromatic bark and was probably used in a powdered form.”  The Bible lists cassia as:

  • An anointing oil (Exodus 30:24)
  • A perfume (Psalm 45:8)
  • Precious commodities (Ezekiel 27:19)

Like cinnamon, Cinnamomum cassia is rich in cinnamaldehyde when derived from the bark.  If C. cassia is not available, cinnamon essential healing oil would be a fair switch.

3. Cedarwood

Mentioned most commonly as a burned wood for ceremonial purposes, cedarwood is associated with cleansing and purification.  These majestic, ancient trees – likely the cedar of Lebanon (C. libani) – are still around today, and are a source of antioxidant essential healing oil. According to an analysis of both C. libani and the more commonly used C. atlantica. The Bible lists cedarwood as:

  • A ceremonial tool for cleansing leprosy and (Leviticus 14, Numbers 19)
  • A perfume (Psalm 45:8)
  • A symbol of abundance and provision (Numbers 24:6, Psalm 92:12, Ezekiel 31:3)
  • A symbol of security and stability (Song of Solomon 1:17; 8:9; Zechariah 11:2)
  • The choice wood for building, trading and currency (referenced by several verses in 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Ezra 3, Jeremiah 22, Ezekiel 17)
  • Mentioned by Solomon in his proverbs and sacred writings (I Kings 4:34)

There are several uses of cedarwood oil. In the cleansing of the Leper… The oil extracted from the cedars of Lebanon was used to embalm the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt and modern scientists have demonstrated the antioxidant properties of the cedarwood oil.

4. Cypress

Mostly mentioned as a companion to cedar, cypress is celebrated in the Scripture as a sympbol of strength and security. One Bible dictionaries states this about Cypress (Hebrew word tirzah): “The Hebrew word is found only in (Isaiah 44:14) We are quite unable to assign any definite rendering to it. The true cypress is a native of the Taurus. The Hebrew word points to some tree with a hard grain, and this is all that can be positively said of it.”  Most modern Bible translations, however, lists cypress several times as:

  • The choice wood for building, trading and currency (referenced by several verses in 1 Kings, 2 Chronicles, Isaiah 41)
  • A fragrant hardwood and symbol of security & stability (Isaiah 44:14)
  • A symbol of prosperity (Isaiah 60:13, Hosea 14:8, Zechariah 11:2)
  • The choice wood for weaponry (Nahum 2:3)

Cypress is the chosen translation likely due to the Mediterranean cypress (Cupressus sempervirens), an evergreen from which we derive an essential healing oil. Known simply as cypress oil, it is comprised largely of pinene and limonene and is an effective antibacterial essential healing oil.  Whether this is the tree spoken of or anyone burned it for its fragrant release of oil remains to be seen.

5. Frankincense

If you know me at all, you know this is one of favorite oils because of all the research support its used as a natural healer. And if you know the Christmas story, you already know at least one place where frankincense is mentioned in the Bible. Elsewhere, in Exodus 30:34 and Revelation 18:13, frankincense is mentioned as part of incense for a priestly rite and as indication of wealth and prosperity in spice trade. The Bible lists frankincense as:

  • A part of ceremonial offerings (Referenced several times in Leviticus 2, 5, 6, 24; Numbers 5, 1 Chronicles 9, Nehemiah 13)
  • A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)
  • A perfume (Song of Solomon 3:6; 4:6)
  • A precious commodity – potential currency (Isaiah 60:6; Jeremiah 6:20; Revelations 18:13)
  • The gifts of the Magi to the Christ child (Mathew 2:11)

As a healing remedy, frankincense oil is not only antimicrobial but also an immunostimulant.  Could God have been protecting His priests (and Son!) through the use of frankincense?

6. Galbanum

One of the more unfamiliar of the oils, galbanum was listed in the recipe for incense to be used in the heart of the temple. We don’t know the exact species referred to, but we know it was a gum that likely came from a plant in the Ferula family.  The Bible lists galbanum as:

  • A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)

Today, Ferula gummosa is collected and sold as galbanum. It has exhibited antimicrobial effects and potential for use in oral health.

7. Hyssop

The modern hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis, has been used for antifungal, antibacterial, larvicidal and inect biting deterrent activities.  However, according to the International Bible Encyclopedia, this hyssop is not native to the area of Palestine and is not likely to be the oil mentioned throughout the Bible for cleansing and rituals.  The Bible lists hyssop as:

  • A part of ritual cleansing and ceremonial offerings (Referenced several times in Exodus 12; Leviticus 14; Numbers 19; Psalm 51; Hebrews 9)
  • The sponge that soaked up the sour wine that was given to Jesus on the cross (John 19:29)
  • Mentioned by Solomon in his proverbs and sacred writings (I Kings 4:34)

While H. officinalis does seem to accomplish similar purposes, I personally find it more interesting that the strongest contenders for actual hyssop would be an even closer fit for such purposes: thyme and marjoram.

8. Myrrh

With well documented use throughout the ages, myrrh is easy to identify and enjoy. It by far, the most decorated oil in the Bible being listed as:

  • A precious commodity – potential currency (Genesis 37:25)
  • Anointing oil (Exodus 30:23)
  • An ointment (Song of Solomon 5:5)
  • A perfume (Psalm 45:8, Proverbs 7:17, Song of Solomon 1:13, 4:14, 5:13)
  • An incense (Song of Solomon 3:6, 4:6)
  • A with mixed edible spices to be eaten (Song of Solomon 5:1)
  • The gifts of the Magi to the Christ child (Mathew 2:11)
  • Mixed with wine and given to Jesus on the cross (Mark 15:23)
  • Burial preparations Nicodemus used for Jesus’ in the tomb (John 19:39)

Unlike other products from trees, it isn’t the wood that is used but the resin that comes from it. Once exposed to air, it hardens and can be powdered, used as-is, or now, distilled for a healing oil. Interestingly, myrrh and frankincense essential healing oils have a synergistic effect when combined, each improving the others’ antimicrobial benefits.

9. Myrtle

Myrtle isn’t mentioned frequently, but its presence indicates growth and abundance. It likely refers to the Myrtus communis plant, which is grown around Jerusalem to this day.  The Bible lists myrtle as:

  • The choice wood for building ceremonial booths (Nehemiah 8:15)
  • A symbol of provision (Isaiah 41:19; 55:13)
  • A symbol of protection (Zechariah 1:8, 10-11)

Myrtle is a low growing plant with flowers that produce an intense, lovely aroma. This is said to be the meaning of Esther’s Hebrew name – and she would have likely enjoyed her namesake as a perfume in the king’s palace! Today, the essential healing oil specifically has undergone a fair amount of research, revealing itself as antimicrobial and an antioxidant, among other benefits.

10. Onycha

Perhaps the most obscure on the list, onycha was mentioned in the holy anointing oil “recipe” and nowhere else. While some sources claim onycha is the resin of the Styrax benzoin tree, there is little to substantiate the claim. The more commonly accepted view is that it refers to the shell of a mussel, which would have been scraped or powdered and burned.  Still others attribute it to balsam or laudanum, a fragrant flowering plant.  The Bible lists onycha as:

  • A holy ceremonial perfume (Exodus 30:34)

Both Styrax benzoin and Cistus labdanum are developed into essential healing oils now and can be added to blends and diffused. Neither have been researched thoroughly, though labdanum seems to have good antioxidant capabilities.

11. Rose of Sharon

A rose may not simply be a rose in this case, as the Rose of Sharon is another disputed for its identity. Usually referred to in a metaphorical sense, it could actually refer to any flower that grows well in unfavorable circumstances.  It has been said that the “Rose of Sharon” first appeared in the 1611 King James Version of the Bible. The Bible lists Rose of Sharon as:

  • A reference to the “Beloved” (Song of Solomon 2:1)

Contenders include a crocus, tulip, or lily, while there are some who contend that it is the Rock Rose, Cistus ladanifer, which is very closely related to labdanum. Without a clear connection and no Biblical “recipe” to indicate ancient use, we are left to imagine the potential of this beautiful, fragrant life in the midst of harsh, thorny crags.

12. Spikenard

First introduced in the Old Testament, spikenard is probably most well known as one of the expensive perfumes that the woman anointed Jesus with in Bethany. Spikenard – Nardostachys jatamansi – was highly prized as a perfume and very precious. It’s still used in some beauty treatments to this day.  The Bible lists spikenard as:

  • A royal fragrant aroma A symbol (Song of Solomon 1:2)
  • A prized, desired plant (Song of Solomon 4:13-14)
  • An costly ointment/perfume used to anoint Christ (Mark 14:3; John 12:3)

Although there isn’t much available yet on the benefits of spikenard (beyond perfumery) as an essential healing oil, an isolated compound has shown promising effects as an anti-inflammatory.

Source: 12 Healing Oils of the Bible Visit for more information

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!