LGBTQPXYZ News: January 25, 2019

No Dress for Timmy Back on Amazon After Being Censored at the Behest of LGBT “Activists”

“NO DRESS FOR TIMMY” a book by Vincentian author Shefflorn Ballantyne, which was banned from online retailer Amazon in July, is now back on sale at Amazon.

The children’s book was banned from the Amazon platform within hours after an announcement for its online launch.

The decision by Amazon was driven by Fascist LGBT advocates.

After the ban, the gaystapo advocacy group Family Rhetoric claimed victory for having it banned.

Family rhetoric is run by a confused woman named Amber Leventry and a quick view of her facebook shows she’s an lgbt propagandist who says that males can have periods and advocates for the sexualization of children.

She also believes that lgbt rights Trump the rights of Christians who disagree with her perverse lifestyle.

Amber Leventry claims that she only wants equal rights and people should be tolerant, but she petitioned Amazon to have a children’s book removed because she didn’t like it’s message. This is fascism folks! Read more here

‘I Am a Christian’ Gaga Claims, Calls Pence ‘Worst’ Christian Example as Wife Works at School Prohibiting Homosexuality

Her saying “I am a Christian” is a big laugh and just proves she, and those like her, do NOT KNOW what a Christian is. Her father the devil, John 8:44, has successfully scattered her brain into believing a lie! Isaiah 5:20!!

Christian News – After using profanity to speak about the president, the secular pop star known as Lady Gaga called Vice President Mike Pence the “worst representation of what it means to be a Christian” during a concert on Saturday. Gaga, whose real name is Stefani Germanotta, told those in attendance that she is a “Christian woman” and that it’s “wrong” for Pence’s wife to work for a school that prohibits homosexuality.

“If the [expletive] president of the United States could please put our government back,” Germanotta said to those attending her “Enigma” show at Park Theater in Las Vegas, according to USA Today. “There are people who live paycheck to paycheck and need their money.”

She continued on to the vice president.

“To Mike Pence, who thinks that it’s acceptable that his wife works at a school that bans LGBTQ—you’re wrong,” Germanotta declared. “You’re the worst representation of what it means to be a Christian.”

“I am a Christian woman, and what I do know about Christianity is that we bear no prejudice, and everybody is welcome,” she said. “So you can take all that disgrace, Mr. Pence, and look yourself in the mirror and you’ll find it right there.”

Germanotta was referring to a recent announcement from Karen Pence that she has returned to teaching, and has taken a job at Immanuel Christian School in Virginia, run by Immanuel Bible Church.

The employment application for the school reportedly asks those who wish to serve as staff to agree to uphold Christian lifestyle standards, following “a personal life of moral purity.”

“Moral misconduct which violates the bona fide occupational qualifications for employees includes, but is not limited to, such behaviors as the following: heterosexual activity outside of marriage (e.g., premarital sex, cohabitation, extramarital sex), homosexual or lesbian sexual activity, polygamy, transgender identity, any other violation of the unique roles of male and female, sexual harassment, use or viewing of pornographic material or websites, and sexual abuse or improprieties toward minors as defined by Scripture and federal or state law.”

It also reads, according to NBC News, “I understand that the term ‘marriage’ has only one meaning; the uniting of one man and one woman.” Read more here

CHILD ABUSE: Lesbian transgender couple declares their plan to transition their 5-year-old son into a girl

A transgender couple in the United Kingdom has announced that their 5-year-old will be transitioning from male to female, the Daily Mail reported.

What’s the story?
Greg Rogers and his partner Jody Rogers were both born female. However, since Greg medically transitioned to male at 16 years old, the couple identifies as being straight. They share custody of Jody’s 5-year-old, Jayden.

Jayden was born a boy, but has worn dresses for the past year. Now Greg and Jody say that they plan to schedule medical procedures to transition Jayden to female.

Sex-change hormones given to children have permanent consequences, and critics question the ability of a young child to make such a dramatic and life-altering decision.

In 2016, the American College of Pediatrics released a statement warning that puberty blockers put children at a higher risk for “cardiac disease, high blood pressure, blood clots, stroke, diabetes, and cancer,” in addition to making them unable “to conceive any genetically related children even via artificial reproductive technology.”

Speaking to the Daily Mail, Greg insisted that Jayden was choosing to transition on his own, and had not been influenced by them.

“We haven’t encouraged Jayden to do this, despite what people think, and we are hurt at the suggestion,” Greg said.

“She has no idea that I’m transgender,” Greg added. “Having been through this myself, I have conflicting emotions about her deciding she doesn’t want to be a boy any more. It’s not an easy life. People will always judge you and I don’t think there is a single transgender person on the planet who would push that on a child.”

Jody said that before Jayden began demanding to wear girl’s clothes, she had not even been aware that “a child could be transgender.” Read more here

If you go to the store to buy Meat, don't run to the Milk section or the Junk Food aisle looking for it!!

The Meat Section is the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Milk Section is likened to those who will not preach on sin and Hell, just a feel good message, the Social gospel.

The Junk Food Isle is the outright false doctrine AKA the prosperity gospel, name it and claim it, the Hebraic Roots movement and other false teachings!!

Feasting on just Milk and Junk will eventually cause you great harm, you can count on it!!
If you appreciate what this Ministry is doing to Expose the Fake Christians, Satanists, Witches, Communist/Socialist Democrats, R.I.N.O Republicans and the assault on our Conservative, True Christian values, please consider a small donation to help us continue and expand. This Ministry is not only under attack by the Enemy, we are now under attack from supposed Christians also. It is what Tom Horn calls 'Blood on the Altar"!